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"Good morning, everyone," Ishan greeted while coming out of his room.

He smiled hearing good mornings back from everyone and joined his family at the dining table.

"You're not going to the hospital bhaiya?" Ishan asked 'cause usually his brother would have already left around this time.

"No, I'll drop you to the airport." His brother, Raj, replied.

"Bhaiya, there's no need for that. I'll go by myself."

Raj rolled his eyes playfully, "I'm not really asking you."

"Okay, as you wish," Ishan smiled.

They ate their breakfast together while talking and laughing. Ishan smiled softly as he looked at his family. Oh, he's gonna miss them.

"Ishan, you packed everything na?" Ishan's mother asked for the nth time as he got ready to leave.

"Arrey, haan, maa. I packed everything, don't worry." Ishan reassured as he took his parents' blessings and hugged them.

"Bye, bhabhi. Bye, mere bacche." Ishan said, hugging his bhabhi and nephew as he bid bye to everyone and left for the airport with his brother.

"Ishan, I still don't understand why do you wanna go back to India." Raj said as he started the car.

Ishan smiled, looking out the window, "I just wanna go back."

"But why?" Raj asked.

Ishan grinned, glancing at his brother, "I miss India."

"That's the only reason?"

Ishan smiled softly, looking at his forearm,  caressing the beautiful carving of a small sun attached with a moon by an eternity sign. The sun was filled with ink while the moon was empty. His soulmark. 

"I want to find my moon." He replied quietly.

"How do you know you'll find them in India?"

"My gut feeling says so," Ishan replied, grinning.

"And Ishan's intuition is never wrong." He added.

"Okay, if you say so. So, the college admission and everything is done, right?" Raj asked, focusing his eyes on the road ahead.


"And where will you stay?"

"There's a friend of mine in the college, she already found a apartment for me. Plus point is my housemates are in the same college as well."

"Okay, that's great,"

They reached the airport and Raj parked the car before helping in taking out Ishan's luggage.

"Bye, bhaiya," Ishan mumbled, hugging his brother, "Take care of yourself and everyone. I'll miss you all."

"Yeah, you too, dhyan rakhna." Raj replied, patting his shoulder affectionately.

"And I hope you find your moon." He added.

"Me too," Ishan whispered to himself walking away towards the boarding line.


"Sir, get up please. The flight has landed."

Ishan was woken up by a flight attendant smiling politely at him. He chuckled nervously noticing the plane is almost empty already.

"Yeah, thank you for waking me up and I'm sorry for being a bother." He said politely.

"No problem, sir."

Ishan smiled, existing the plane as he collected his stuff. After retrieving his luggage, he got out of the airport waiting for his cab to come pick him up.

He looked around breathing in the fresh (polluted) evening air of Delhi. The sun was about to set. Ishan sighed, his eyes taking in the place he missed so much. Looks like he even missed the Delhi traffic.

He got into the cab as soon as it reached him. After the short ride became around an hour and the noise from the vehicles successfully gave him a pounding headache, he concluded, he definitely didn't miss Delhi traffic.


Ishan rang the bell as he reached the apartment he was supposed to stay in. The door was open by a guy, probably around his age only.

"Hii, I'm Ishan kishan." He introduced himself.

"Oh, hi Ishan. Come on in," The guy smiled, letting him in.

"I'm Abhishek, by the way." He added, forwarding his hand for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Abhishek."

"So, this is your room," Abhishek said as he lead Ishan down the hallway towards a room.

"Everything is already set. There's only one problem. The shower is broken, but don't worry it'll be fixed by tomorrow." Abhishek informed, helping him with his suitcases.

"For now you can freshen up in the room infront of yours." He added.

"Wait, you don't live alone here, do you?" Ishan asked as he remembered his friend telling him there was supposed to be two guys living in the apartment.

"No, I don't. You were informed right. I live here with a friend. The room infront of yours is his only, he's out for some work," Abhishek explained before leaving the room.

Ishan planted himself face first on the bed, feeling utterly exhausted by the journey. After laying there motionless for more than five minutes, he somehow dragged himself up to take a much needed shower.

As he entered the other room to freshen up, he couldn't help the smile that pulled his lips. The room was extremely pretty and cozy, filled with sweet rosy smell. The walls were decorated with stars and there was a half sun and half moon symbol on the bedside wall. Ishan smiled, the symbol reminded him of his own soulmark.

He stopped himself from gushing about the room and focused on the task at hand; taking a damn shower.

As soon as he was done getting back to his room after a nice, refreshing bath, he collapsed on his own bed. Abhishek did ask him to have dinner with him but honestly, Ishan was too tired to even move so he just drifted off to sleep in a heartbeat, looking forward to the next day and his journey in India.


Sorry, had to republish. There was a problem.

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