How Are You Here? Part 3 of Where Are We? 3/5

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How Are You Here? Part 3 of Where Are We? 3/5

A Portal Appears Hels, and Wels fall from the sky landing in a pile of snow….

Wels: HELS!!!!!!!!!! {Brushes off the snow} Why are we here?

Hels: Well….

Wels: Spill!

Hels: Abyss is here…

Wels: {Grabs out his communicator connecting to the Empire network} He’s with Suma in…. umm… {Speechless} Where in a medieval server…

Hels: Wels…. I’m so sorry…

Wels: It’s fine… {Looks around} Can you teleport my ice gear?

Hels: Sure! {Teleports it}

Wels: Thanks! Now go find your boyfriend!

Hels: He’s not my boyfriend! {Blushing}

Wels: Yeah, yeah…


Scott: Damn it! {His admin panel pops with purple magic} Damn it Astra!

Grian: Is she?

Scott: There purple roses somewhere on the server, my magic getting effected by them slowly senses I’m not near them!

Abyss (EX): {Laying on Suma side}

Suma: {Sigh}

Hels: Abyss!
Abyss: Hels?

Hels: {Lands}

Abyss: {Hugs him} How are you here?

Hels: I teleported me and Wels here…

Suma: Peachy more Hermits here…

Scott: I’m going home, I need to fix my panel…

fWhip: Be safe!

Scott: Yeah…


Scott: {Flying over head and notice} Thats Hels brother Wels… [Flies down} Wels?

Wels: Um…Hello… {Skates over} Your one of the Empire members right?

Scott: Yeah, Scott Major, I ruled Chromia in Empire S2!

Wels: Right…

Scott: Well Wels how about you come to Rivendell, a snow storm about to hit….

Wels: How do you know?

Scott: {He holds out his hand and a snowflake appears} Ice elemental!

Wels: Ah…

Scott: Let me just… {His admin magic surrounds Wels and}

Wels: {His angel form comes out} You’re the server admin?

Scott: Secondary!


Hels: {His demon form comes out} Umm…

fWhip: Scott must have allowed Wels to have his form!

Hels: That explains it!

Jimmy: Well a snow storm is about to hit Rivendell! {Realizes} I need to get to Rivendell! Hels you can come with!

Hels: Ok! Abyss!

Abyss: Yeah I’m coming! {Grabs Suma} Come on tired ass!

Suma: Language!

Abyss: {eye roll}

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