Chapter 2

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(The ninja hide while the Emperor delivered his speech.)

Emperor: As many of you know, my family has kept a private life. We aren't interested in meddling with current affairs. But as crime has risen, so has our concern. So it is time to step out of the shadows, and into the light.

Nya: I don't like this one bit. If the Royal Family likes their privacy, why give such a public speech?

Jay: I think it's nice. They're reaching out to the people.

Kai: Why all the hate, sis? You just don't like getting gussied up.

Nya: All that gold and glitter is for show. The Royal Family are figure heads. They don't have any real power, what purpose do they have?

Morro: Rather a royal family that nobody knows about than one that tortures the people for fun...

Nya: I'm sorry Morro, I didn't mean to bring up me–

Morro: It's okay.

Zane: Their purpose is to be protected, as do all of our traditions. I believe Master Lloyd has spotted something of interest. (They see Lloyd staring at the Princess.)

Kai: Looks like he's got an eye for the Princess.

Jay: I guess green is her favorite color.

Lloyd: You do know I can hear you, right?

Emperor: We must continue to be vigilant...

Lloyd: (Simultaneously) The Emperor is almost finished. Let's just do our job.

Morro: Are you talking to us or to yourself?

Emperor: ...and always stay united. (The crowd cheers.)

Lloyd: Be on the lookout. (He spotted a balloon with the Sons of Garmadon logo.) I see a—(They hear popping sounds and the crowd panics. Lloyd tackles the Princess and Empress to the ground while Hutchins does the same for the Emperor.) Is the threat clear? (Nya sees firecrackers going off.)

Nya: Huh. Firecrackers. False alarm.

Hutchins: You protected the Royal Family. You have their gratitude. You are invited to be their guests in the palace.

Jay: Heh. No one ever gets invited into the palace. Are you sure they meant us?

Nya: It's just a palace. Once you've seen one, you've seen them all.

Lloyd: We'd be honored.

(Later that night, the ninja enters in the palace.)

Hutchins: Welcome to the Royal Palace, also known as the Palace of Secrets.

Kai: Ooh, why do they call it the Palace of Secrets?

Hutchins: If I were to tell you that, then it wouldn't be a secret now, would it? (The ninja, except Nya and Morro, gasps in awe.)

Kai: Look at that.

Jay: I already feel royal.

Zane: It's beautiful.

Cole: Yeah, I could really get used to living in a place like this.

Lloyd: Well, don't. We're only here as guests, then back to protecting Ninjago.

Nya: Hmph. Too much gold in my opinion. (Morro is silent, feeling small and tiny in the grand hall of the castle.)

Hutchins: I present to you the exalted Emperor and Empress of Ninjago, and their daughter, the Jade Princess, Princess Harumi.

Ninjgo Morro Master of Wind (Sons of Garmadon)Where stories live. Discover now