Chapter 8

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("Ultra Violet" goes down to Cole's cell.)

"Ultra Violet": I want a word with the ninja! In private!

Chopper Maroon: Oh, hey, easy. Of course, Ultra Violet. He's all yours.

Mohawk: Yeah, as long as it's not me. Do whatever you want. (They leave.)

Cole: I ain't in the mood, sunshine. (It's revealed she is actually Zane in disguise.) Zane!

Zane: Shh.

Cole: Oh, haha! Oh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.

Zane: Did they hurt your eyes?

Cole: Yes. No. I'll explain later. Just get me outta here. They have the key to the third mask.

Zane: The key?

Cole: If they unite all the masks, they're gonna resurrect Lord Garmadon. The bad one! Four arms and all. We need to get that key and get outta here.

Zane: Um...

Cole: Well, what are you waiting for? Unlock the door. Let's go!

Zane: I can't. I need to ride with them to learn who's behind all this.

Cole: They're gonna get all the masks! Who cares who's in charge?

Zane: When the station clears, break out. Break out and steal the key.

Ultra Violet: What do you mean I just walked past here? Get your eyes fixed.

Zane: Good luck, friend. (He hides.)

Cole: How am I supposed to steal the key? I need a key! Zane? Zane! (Ultra Violet walks by.) Uh...Sane! I'm not sane! Get me outta here! I'm insane! Argh! Aah!

Ultra Violet: You and I both. (Laughs.)

(They go to the race course.)

Ultra Violet: Bikers ready?

Killow: (Laughs.) You know the rules when you ride with us?

Zane: Let me guess: there are no rules?

Killow: Well, that was no fun, was it?

Ultra Violet: Ride or die! (They take off.)

Zane: Come on, Zane. You can do this.

Ultra Violet: (The phone rings.) What do you want? Oh. No, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. What? He is? I'll tell Killow right away.

Killow: (He picks up his communication device.) Yes?

Ultra Violet: He's one of the ninja.

Killow: Who?

Ultra Violet: Snake Jaguar.

Killow: Snake Jaguar's a spy? Make sure the new guy doesn't finish the race.

Son of Garmadon: I see you, ninja. (Zane's gas tank leaks and someone lights it up.) Ice! (Someone stops him from extinguishing it but they switched bikes.)

Son of Garmadon: Darn it! (He tries to blow it out but was saved when a train came by.) Phew. (The bikers race pass a police car.)

Tommy: Ah, dang it!

Simon: Didn't spill my coffee. (Chuckles.)

Tommy: Well, what are you waiting for? Go, go, go! (They chase the bikers. Zane jumps above the car.)

Ninjgo Morro Master of Wind (Sons of Garmadon)Where stories live. Discover now