Chapter 14

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(The Sons of Garmadon park the Bounty at the temple's entrance.)

Kai: I've got an itch. You mind coming over here to scratch it?

Ultra Violet: Shut it, Hair Gel.

Morro: I need to remember that one...

(Chopper Maroon laughs at Wu after he trips. Wu hits him with a wrench, then jumps on him.)

Chopper Maroon: Get off me.

Morro: Get him sensei! (Nya sees keys on a nearby table.)

Nya: Huh.

(Killow tries to punch down the wall.)

Killow: I can't break through. It looks like we wait.

Son of Garmadon: Eh, what if the Green Ninja returns with the mask first?

Killow: The Quiet One will not fail.

(Harumi throws Lloyd on the mask's pedestal.)

Lloyd: Hurt me all you want, but I'm never gonna let you get away with this.

Harumi: (deep voice) Physical pain can only hurt so much. I intend far worse.

Lloyd: (Picks up the broken knife and holds it out at her, fearfully.) Then what do you want?

Harumi: (deep voice) (Screams.) I want you to feel the emptiness that I feel! When your father is reborn, he won't be the man you recognize! His soul will be gone and I want his cold hands to destroy you!

Lloyd: You're a monster! I'll never feel what you feel.

Harumi: (deep voice) (Walks away.) We will see.

Lloyd: Fight me. Let's end it here.

Harumi: (deep voice) I'm already two steps ahead. (Runs out the entrance.)

Lloyd: No. Don't! (She breaks the walls without the symbols. The temple starts to flood.) Where's Nya when you need her?

(Killow calls for Ultra Violet.)

Killow: Ultra Violet, get over here.

Ultra Violet: Watch over them for me, will ya? (She leaves.)

(Cole and Nya look at each other and Cole nods and starts singing)

Cole: Glow, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer.

Chopper Maroon: (Simultaneously) Hmm. That song. Again? It ain't gonna work, beef cake.

Cole: Maybe I just feel like singing. Lead us lest too far we wander...

Chopper Maroon: (Simultaneously) Hey, I said knock it off.

Cole: ...Love's sweet voice calling yonder. Glow, little glow worm... (Chopper Maroon covers his ears.)

Nya: (Whispering simultaneously) Psst. The keys.

Cole: ...glimmer glimmer. Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer....

Nya: (Whispering) The keys. Get the keys. (Wu grabs the teapot.)

Cole: ...Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Hey there, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Lead us lest too far we wander. Love's sweet voice calling yonder.

Nya: (Whispering simultaneously) Not the tea. The keys. There. Please.

Cole: Glow, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Shine, little glow worm—(Wu grabs the keys and frees the ninja. They attack Chopper Maroon.)

Nya: Oh, thanks, little Wu.

Jay: Uh-uh.

(The wall finally breaks down.)

Killow: The Quiet One has the mask. We have all three! (The Sons of Garmadon cheer.)

Harumi: (Takes off the mask.) (normal voice) Now I believe we have a ceremony to attend to. Take the ship.

Kai: Not so fast.

Cole: Careful. I wouldn't want you to upset the child. (The ninja surround them.)

Jay: Haha. Looks like we have the upper— (More Sons of Garmadon surround them.) Oh, come on. Zane, I thought you said we had them outnumbered.

Zane: Uh, that was before I knew how many of them there were.

Ultra Violet: Oh, now isn't this a lovely pickle?

Kai: Where's Lloyd?

Harumi: The Green Ninja can't help you now. (Morro glares at her and almost needs to be held back.)

Nya: Remember how I didn't care for her at first? Then she won me over with all that girl talk, and we started to really get to know each other? Well now I hate her!

Zane: (Mr. E brings out his mask.) Don't even think about it.

Kai: This can end one of two ways: either you hand the masks over peacefully—

Jay: I don't even have to know the rest of the choices. I like that one.

Harumi: Or what?

Kai: Or we'll have to get all ninja up on ya. (Morro facepalms)

Harumi: What does that even mean?

Kai: I don't know. I was improvising. Usually Lloyd does the talking. But he isn't here. B—Where's Lloyd!? (Lloyd is thrown from the waterfall.)

Cole: There he is.

Baby Wu: Lloyd. (The ninja catch him.)

Lloyd: You guys, Rumi is the Quiet One.

Kai: We kind of got that much. (Morro punches Lloyd for jumping off the Bounty recklessly)

Lloyd: Ow!

Morro: You deserved it, don't ever scare me like that again, EVER!! (Crabby confronts them.)

Killow: What is that?

Lloyd: It's back.

Zane: Over here.

Ultra Violet: We have to get you out of here, Quiet One.

Harumi: Not without the masks. (They leave on the Bounty. Zane freezes Crabby.)

Jay: Hey! They're getting away!

Lloyd: Get me close.

Nya: I'm on it. Zane, I need an assist. (She and Zane use their powers to make a path of ice to the Bounty. Lloyd and Morro then use Spinjitzu and landed on the anchor of the ship.)

Jay: They did not just—

Kai: They just did. (Morro gives Lloyd a swing to get on the deck after following himself but they are soon overpowered by SOG as Killow captures Lloyd and Morro is held down by the rest of the group.) They have Lloyd and Morro.

Cole: They have the masks. (The ice encasing Crabby thaws.)

Zane: And we have trouble.

Baby Wu: Puppy!

Ninjgo Morro Master of Wind (Sons of Garmadon)Where stories live. Discover now