Chapter 1

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The walls of the room were still painted teal. I guess thirteen-year-old me was somewhat quirky back then.. I quickly gathered my belongings and stuffed them into a brown packing box. A small toy fell from the box; it had been my favorite plush animal since I was a child. It was a small fox with brown fur. I took the necklace off the fox and examined it more closely.

My heart ached after I gathered it into my hands. a slow, tear fell form my eye, onto the necklace.

"From Dad," It read. " Dear Nessa, you are my swan." The writing was imprinted on the back of the silver locket. I held the necklace close to my heart, a steam of sorrow filled me on this inside. 

My vanity mirror was filthy, with fingerprints, images of my best friends and me, and some sketches and stickers all over it. I brushed my fingertips over one of the rusted mirror's photos. It was a photo of myself and my best friend Dexter. We were fourteen at the time, and I recall that day vividly. He took me out for ice cream because the guy I had liked had rejected me, and I was devastated.

These memories held a dear spot in my heart. Some were heartwarming, and some were heartbreaking. I was moving away, to university. I wanted to pursue my dream, astrophysics! 

Growing up the "weird" kid wasn't fun, but the friends I made along the way was the fun part. For example, Dexter, my best bud. He and I both were going to Edenbridge University of advanced physics. I took interest in Astro physics, while Dexter was interested in electromagnetism. 

Moving would be sad, but moving into Uni with Dexter would be very fun! I was anticipating the day I moved, today was the day! However, I had to attend my mothers promotion party first. She had just gotten promoted to high assistant at her job and wanted to celebrate. 

"Nessa!" My mother hurried up the quick flight of stairs. "Nessa are you ready?" She harshly asked, as she jumped into my room. 

As I wiped away the tear that had fallen onto the necklace, I quickly composed myself before responding to my mother.

"Yeah, I'm almost ready," I replied, forcing a smile. "Just finishing up packing."

My mother's eyes softened as she noticed the locket in my hands. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

I nodded, unable to find the words to express the mix of emotions swirling inside me. "Just... reminiscing about old memories."

She gave me a sympathetic smile and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's natural to feel nostalgic when leaving home for the first time. But remember, you're embarking on an exciting new journey."

I managed a small smile in return, grateful for her understanding. "Thanks, Mom."

After a moment, she glanced around my room, her eyes landing on the cluttered vanity mirror. "Do you need help with anything else? We don't want to be late for the party."

I shook my head, gesturing to the packed boxes. "No, I think I'm good. Just need to grab a few more things."

"Alright then, I'll wait for you downstairs," she said before giving me a reassuring hug and heading out of the room.

As I watched her leave, I took one last look around my childhood bedroom, feeling a pang of sadness mixed with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead at Edenbridge University. With a deep breath, I turned back to the task at hand, eager to join my mother at her promotion party before setting off on this new chapter of my life.

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