Chapter 2

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Dexter's eyes met mine, confusion clear as he asked, "Are you gonna tell her?"

"What am I gonna tell her? Oh, that we won't be coming to her party, NOOO. If I do, she will kill ME!" I replied hysterically, laughter bubbling out of me.

"Uh, Nessa? Isn't she going to kill you if we don't show up?" Dexter asked again, this time rolling his eyes as he saw me clicking away at the computer.

"Yeah, but I have an excuse!" I exclaimed, closing the laptop and stretching my arms, my neck making satisfying cracks. "Show-time!"

I strode over to the door and stepped outside, spotting my mom talking to some workers. I snuck up behind her and lightly tapped her shoulder.

"Hi Mom! I think I'm sick... Like, sick, sick... It hurts a lot and I don't think I can go to the party today. The white dress would get dirty and I just don't feel well," I said, pulling off my best upset face.

"Mhm, you said the same thing last week. I'm not dumb, c'mon tell me what's going on," she said, staring at me with a knowing look.

"But Dexter told me not to tell you..." I sighed, glancing back to see Dexter's shocked expression.

"What is it?" She asked, clearly confused.

"He really isn't feeling well and he didn't want to tell you because he knew it would hurt your heart if he couldn't come to the party," I explained, hoping she would buy it.

"Well, you stay with Dexter then. Tell him I love him and if he needs anything, he can call down," she said before walking off.

I jumped in excitement and ran back to Dexter, only to find him looking angrier than seagulls fighting for a piece of bread.

"What the heck, Nessa! You really had to bring me into this!?" he exclaimed, pulling me into the room. He flicked on the dim light, crossing his arms.

"Yup, it was just what came to mind. What else would I say!?" I replied with a goofy smile.

He let out an exasperated sigh and strutted towards the closet, pulling out a nice pair of pants and a shirt. With a smug grin, he rushed into the bathroom. When he emerged, he was all dressed up for what should've been the party, but now a club.

His sudden decision to change made me realize that maybe I should too. I walked over to the mirror and began fixing myself up. Slowly, I tucked my short, light blonde hair behind my pierced ears. My green, doe eyes peered back at me through glasses that framed my face. The light frames aligned with my nose, and my peachy pink lips formed an awkward expression. Taking in my reflection, I wore a grey sweater paired with shocking pink shorts, and my socks were of different lengths.

"Ready!" I declared, glancing at Dexter, who stood with his arms crossed, looking thoroughly confused.

"No, you're not ready!" he retorted, taking my arm and guiding me in front of the mirror. "We're going to a club, not the convenience store, Nessa. You can't go in your sweats. C'mon, you're 18 now, act 18, have fun!" he exclaimed, twirling me around as we both giggled. With that, I headed over to the washroom to get changed.

I reached for the white dress I was supposed to wear to Mom's party and slid it on. After letting my hair down and styling it a bit, I tucked my glasses away and slipped on some regular shoes to complete the look.

The white dress shimmered under the light, adorned with delicate sequins that twinkled like stars against the fabric. Its design was sleek and modern, with a fitted bodice that accentuated curves and a flared skirt that allowed for easy movement on the dance floor. The neckline was adorned with subtle beading, adding a touch of elegance to the ensemble. With its party-themed sparkle and contemporary style, it was the perfect choice for a night out at the club.

"Hey Nessa, did you fall from heaven? Because it looks like you hit every branch on the way down!" Dexter quipped, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Then, with a playful wink, he added, "But seriously, you could wear a garbage bag and still outshine everyone at the party!"

With a nonchalant roll of my eyes, I shot Dexter a "I couldn't care less" look. He chuckled and leisurely unlocked the window. Suddenly, my jaw dropped—three stories down, the ground awaited.

"NO—no, no! NO! Dexter, I am not going down this window! NO! NEVER!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms in disagreement. But Dexter, with a determined look in his eyes, forcefully grabbed my arm and brought me closer to the window. First, he placed one foot out, then the other, holding on tight. He dropped down, and so did my heart. Rushing to look over, I saw him give me a reassuring thumbs-up. Slowly, he descended down the rope, and once he hit the ground, he urged me to do the same. With a stubborn face, I finally agreed and made my way down, landing on the ground with a thud.

"Oh, yes! I called the Uber already, and it should be here any second!" Dexter muttered, checking his phone. "Yikes—now it really looks like you hit branches as you fell down!" He chuckled as I playfully slapped his arm and rolled my eyes.

"How long will it take! I'm not going to wait forever," I sighed, crossing my arms in impatience. Soon after, a yellow taxi-like car pulled up in front of us. Dexter gestured for me to approach the car, his demeanor calm and reassuring.

" Hi, Dexter!" He let out a firm hand and the driver shook it. The driver had a run down look, busted to say the least. He looked as if he hadn't showered in weeks. Not that I look any better on weekdays. 

"Hop in, I'm Jacob, you can call me Jake," the driver announced, cocking his head towards the back seats. Dexter and I complied, settling into the car and rolling down the windows as Jake began driving.

"Where to, young ones! Are you two dating? I miss those days when I was young," he chuckled, glancing at us through the rearview mirror. My face grew flushed with embarrassment as I instinctively hid myself behind my knees.

"Sorry, we're just friends!" I replied instinctively, my cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. The idea of Dexter and I being more than friends seemed foreign and unsettling to me. We'd been friends since I was in 4th grade, and I couldn't imagine our relationship ever changing. Dexter shot me a disappointed look, but I quickly looked away, hoping to avoid any further awkwardness.

"No, Jake, we are dating. In fact, it's our first date. She's just a bit too shy," Dexter interjected smoothly, nudging his elbow into my arm. Despite feeling a surge of anger, I bit my tongue, knowing that arguing would only cause more drama. We sat there in silence for the remainder of the drive, after Dexter informed the driver that we wanted to go to the local club.

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