Chapter 8

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"Hey, my name is Alexandra, you can call me Alex," a girl exclaimed cheerfully as we entered our apartments.

"Hi, I'm Nessa, and this is Dexter," I replied, introducing us. Alex smiled warmly and extended her hand toward Dexter, but he simply glanced at it without reciprocating the gesture.

Undeterred, Alex continued to chat as we walked into the building, offering helpful information about our classes and the layout of the campus. She had long, silky blonde hair with bangs, and her eyes sparkled with an icy blue hue. Her dark brown skin contrasted beautifully with her blonde locks, and a pair of cute rounded glasses perched on the tip of her nose.

She explained that she was volunteering at the school and was assisting newer students like us, which I found incredibly kind and thoughtful. Despite Dexter's reserved demeanor, I appreciated Alex's friendly presence and her willingness to help us navigate our new surroundings.

Dexter's attention remained fixed on his phone's glowing screen as he tapped away with a stern expression.

"Dexter? Are you gonna be staring at that thing the whole day?" I teased, nudging him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, um, sorry, let me help you with that," he replied hastily, snapping out of his trance and grabbing the suitcase to carry it into the room.

Once inside, we began to explore our new surroundings. My room was the first we entered, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I took it all in. The room was spacious, with a washroom and a bathroom tucked away in one corner. Across from the entrance was a cozy living room area, complete with a TV mounted on the wall. Along one side of the room, there were desks separated into different spaces, providing ample room for studying and work.

The room felt like a blank canvas, waiting to be personalized and transformed into our own little sanctuary. I could already envision the late-night study sessions, the laughter shared with friends, and the memories that would be made within these walls. With a smile, I turned to Dexter, eager to begin this new chapter of our lives together.

"It's amazing!" I exclaimed eagerly, unable to contain my excitement as I took in the spaciousness of the room.

Dexter's response was more subdued. "Yeah, it is," he agreed, his attention still divided by whatever was occupying his thoughts.

"Let's go check your apartment out!" I suggested eagerly, hoping to share in the excitement of exploring our new living spaces together.

But Dexter deflected the idea, dismissing it with a casual wave of his hand. "They probably look the same," he replied nonchalantly, his gaze already drifting away from me.

With a sinking feeling in my chest, I watched as he walked out of the room, offering a half-hearted wave before disappearing down the hall with Alex. Left alone in the silence of the room, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. It seemed that Dexter's attention was elsewhere, leaving me to navigate this new chapter of our lives on my own.

"Wait, I'm coming!" I called out, rushing out of the apartment to catch up with Alex and Dexter. They were already far ahead of me, but I was determined to experience this moment with him.

"Hey!" I panted, catching up to Dexter and grabbing onto his shoulder for support. "Nessa? Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked, turning to look at me with a bemused expression.

I shot him a look of incredulity. "Are you serious?" I retorted, feeling a mixture of frustration and amusement.

Dexter laughed, realizing his mistake. "Sorry! I forget that not everyone can fall asleep in the span of two minutes like I can," he joked, his laughter echoing in the hallway.

Alex joined in the laughter as we continued to walk, eventually arriving at Dexter's apartment. "This is your new abode," Alex announced with a playful bow, earning a grateful smile from Dexter.

"Thank you, Mrs. Alex," Dexter replied with a snort, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I chuckled at their banter and followed Dexter into the open room, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation as we began to settle into our new home away from home.

I bounced excitedly on the queen-sized bed, relishing the novelty of our new surroundings. Dexter and Alex joined me, and we settled in comfortably, chatting and laughing as we shared stories and jokes.

I couldn't help but notice how well they were getting along, despite Dexter's initial standoffishness when they first met. As they continued to converse, I observed Alex's small hand finding its way onto Dexter's lap, eliciting a flushed expression from him. It was clear that Dexter, always a bit socially awkward like myself, was navigating unfamiliar territory with this interaction.

Rolling my eyes at his awkwardness, I interjected with a playful jab. "I know, right," Dexter chuckled nervously, his hand instinctively moving to the back of his neck in a gesture of discomfort.

But my amusement turned to annoyance as I watched Alex twirl a strand of her hair and gaze into Dexter's eyes with an adoring expression. "No way!" she exclaimed suddenly, her excitement palpable as she reached out to touch him.

She batted her eyelashes coquettishly, and a feeling of disgust washed over me. "Bleck!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my revulsion. "Get a room or something."

"This is his room, missy," Alex retorted, her tone tinged with annoyance.

"Yeah, whatever," I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the situation unfolding before me. As much as I tried to brush it off, the sight of Dexter and Alex's budding flirtation left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Soon after Alex left the room, leaving me and Dexter alone, I couldn't help but express my disgust. "Ew!" I muttered under my breath.

"You're just jealous," Dexter retorted with a playful smirk.

"Am not!" I protested, feeling a flush of indignation rise in my cheeks.

"Are too!" he countered, his grin widening.

"Ugh, whatever!" I laughed, unable to stay annoyed for long in his company.

"I don't need a man in my life! I can do anything they can by myself!" I declared defiantly, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Yeah, sure you can! You always need me," Dexter teased, his tone light and teasing.

"No, I don't!" I shot back, sticking my tongue out at him childishly before storming off in a huff. Despite our banter, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind.

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