Chapter 3

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"Welcome to Club Elite!" greeted the workers as we entered. The lights flashed purple, casting an ethereal glow over the enclosure. The music pulsated through the air, energizing the crowd as they danced beneath the flashing lights. Dexter and I parted ways, each heading toward different parts of the club. I made my way slowly to the bar, finding myself a seat and preparing to enjoy the night. The song "Baby Don't Hurt Me" by David Guetta filled the air, its infectious beat drawing me towards the drinks stand. Dexter, as always, effortlessly found himself in good company, disappearing into the lively crowd.

"Hi, could I get one piña colada, please?" I smiled at the bartender as I placed my order. Turning around, I noticed an older man, maybe in his thirties, giving me a friendly smile. I waved back politely before turning my attention back to the bar. Soon, the waiter passed me my drink.

"Thank you very much!" I responded with a heartfelt smile, taking a sip of my refreshing piña colada.

"Hey there, how about a little friendly competition?" he suggested, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Let's have a shot battle! We'll take turns ordering shots and see who can handle more before feeling the effects. What do you say?" The old man grinned, raising his cup in the air. 

Feeling a pang of anxiety at first, I hesitated, unsure whether to accept the challenge. But then, a wave of intrigue washed over me. Perhaps this was my chance to prove to Dexter that I didn't always need his help. Or maybe, just maybe, it was an opportunity to playfully bite back at him after his teasing remark in the Uber.

With a newfound determination, I flashed a confident smile and nodded in agreement. The challenge was on, and I was ready to show them both what I was made of.

"15 shots please!" the older man exclaimed enthusiastically.

"No, 20 shots please!" I countered, matching his enthusiasm with determination. The waiter looked at me with wide eyes, clearly surprised by our request. Soon enough, our drinks arrived, and the battle commenced.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I quickly chugged the first 5 shots, feeling a rush of excitement and a hint of dizziness. But I couldn't give up now. I grabbed the remaining shots and downed them one after the other, refusing to back down from the challenge.

The older man stopped at 15 shots, but I was determined to push myself further. Ignoring the warning signs from my body, I drank all 20 shots, feeling the world begin to spin around me. The sensation of nausea washed over me, and before I knew it, I lost my balance and tumbled off the circular spinning stools, overwhelmed by the effects of the alcohol.


As I gradually regained consciousness, I found myself cradled in Dexter's arms, his comforting presence easing the disorientation from the night's events. He gently guided me out of the club and into a waiting car, but my throbbing head prevented me from taking in more of the scene.

When my eyes fluttered open once more, I found myself face to face with Dexter, his piercing blue eyes fixing me with a cool gaze. With gentle care, he removed my shoes and brushed my hair aside, tucking me in beneath the crisp white covers.

As he settled down on the edge of the bed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over me, knowing that I was in safe hands with Dexter by my side.

"Get away from me, ugly hog!" I yelled, my words slurred and my movements erratic. The effects of the alcohol had taken a toll on me, leaving me with little control over what I said or did. Through my haze, I caught a chuckle slipping past Dexter's lips, but he quickly covered it up, his expression shifting to one of concern as he adjusted the covers around me.

"Get some rest, Nessa," Dexter murmured softly, his voice tinged with concern. "I'll catch up with you in the morning, when your mom will undoubtedly throw a fit." With that, he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead before quietly slipping out of the room, leaving me to drift off into a troubled sleep.

As I laid there, enveloped in the warmth of the covers, I couldn't shake the feeling of Dexter's unexpected concern. His gentle kiss on my forehead left me feeling strangely flustered, a flush of shyness creeping over my light tan skin.

A flurry of thoughts raced through my mind, each one more bewildering than the last. Did Dexter really care about me? Could it be possible that he liked me in more than just in a friendship way?

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself saying them out loud, the words escaping before I could stop them. The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning, leaving me stunned and uncertain of what the future might hold.

"You've got quite the imagination, Nessa," he remarked playfully. "But don't worry, I'll always be here for you, no matter what." With a reassuring smile, he reached out to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear before bidding me goodnight once more.

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