Chapter 7

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As I packed my bags, the weight of uncertainty still hung heavy in the air. The notes I had found continued to taunt me with their cryptic messages, and despite my best efforts, I had come no closer to unraveling their meaning. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye, and my detective instincts urged me to dig deeper.

With my essentials packed, I quickly changed into comfortable clothes and pulled my hair into the same small ponytail, ready for whatever lay ahead. As I descended the staircase, my mom greeted me with a mixture of concern and love, her worry evident in the furrow of her brow.

"Be careful," she sighed, pressing a kiss to my forehead before I headed out the front door.

Outside, Dexter's white car awaited me, a symbol of the adventures that lay ahead. With a wave to my mom, I hopped into the passenger seat as Dexter loaded our bags into the trunk. His smile was infectious as he settled into the driver's seat, his excitement palpable.

"Another adventure awaits us!" he exclaimed eagerly.

"And the double trouble is here!" I replied with a giggle, our familiar childhood anthem echoing between us as we exchanged a high five.

Memories of our childhood flooded my mind as we embarked on our journey. Dexter and I had been inseparable since we were six, our bond forged in a shared love of adventure and mischief. The thought of our upcoming course filled me with excitement, knowing that I would be pursuing my passion alongside my best friend.

"I miss it, I miss it when we were little," I confessed softly, my gaze drifting out the window.

"So do I," Dexter replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia as he looked at me. "But we were bound to grow up. At least we still have each other. We're still together."

"Yeah," I agreed, a smile spreading across my face. "I can't wait for this. I love computers, I love school, and the best part is I'm doing this with you!"

"See, I was going to agree with you until you said you loved school. However, I am excited for this," Dexter teased, his laughter filling the car as we continued our conversation. Despite his jest, I could sense his genuine excitement for the new adventure ahead.

As we drove for what felt like hours, the anticipation for our arrival at the school grew stronger with each passing mile. The prospect of starting a new chapter in our lives filled me with a sense of exhilaration and nervous energy.

Suddenly, a sign for a restaurant called Mileys Diner appeared along the roadside, stirring memories of a past visit. Three years ago, for my birthday dinner, Dexter and I stumbled upon this same diner during a spontaneous road trip. The food had been delicious, and I had missed it ever since.

"Dexter! Mileys Diner! Remember?" I exclaimed, pointing excitedly at the sign. The memory of our previous visit flooded back, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia at the thought of revisiting the quaint little diner.

"Uh," Dexter muttered distractedly, his attention focused on his phone as he tapped out a message. Sensing his preoccupation, I decided to finally mind my own business for once and refrained from asking him who he was texting.

"How about another time, Nessa!" he remarked, barely glancing up from his phone.

"Another time! There will never be another time! Come on, please!" I pleaded, frustration bubbling up inside me as he continued to ignore my pleas.

His incessant texting only fueled my anger, and before I knew it, I found myself throwing my hands a the wheel, the car veering off course as a result. Panic surged through me as the car careened down a steep hill of grass, my heart racing with adrenaline.

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