Chapter 1 ~ Crazy people, and some shopping.

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[ A/N: I have nothing to say. Just enjoy. ]
[ Greek is Italic ] - [ Italian is Underlined ] - [ Important details are Bolded ] - [ Thoughts are in 'Quotes' ]
[ CONTENT WARNING: Swearing, Nico not respecting Wizards much. ]


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——————————POV: Nico Di Angelo——————————
I walked with Will to Thalia's tree, that's where Hecate said she would meet us. We were 5 minutes early, even though we knew Hecate would only come at EXACTLY 6am. Because the gods- or Titans- or whatever! Are always like that. I sighed, sitting down as we waited. I was fiddling with my Skull ring, while Will was humming a song next to me. I was already extremely bored, it had only been 3 minutes, but it felt like FOREVER!! Finally, Hecate appeared, she was holding two boxes, one labeled 'Wands' the other labeled 'Keys' she handed the boxes to us. "This one has your wands, and this one has the keys to your vaults. Nico, you have two vaults, you can either use your family vault, or the vault Hades set up." She explained, as I nodded. She had explained the entire Goblins running a Bank called Gringots thing. ( God Wizards ae terrible at naming things! Come on, Gringots!? What kinda name is that!? ) She walked over to Will, and placed her hand on his forhead, he shivered for a second, then she lifted her hand away. "Now you have the ability to use Magic, Nico, you should already be able to." She said, ignoring my confusing gaze. 'And she's not going to tell me anything about why. GREAT!' I thought, sarcastically. We opened the box labeled 'Wands' and took out each of them, it was kind of easy to tell who's was who's. Mine was black, and Will's was a lighter brown. Hecate didn't explain much about the wands, but there was a note in Greek explaining what each was. The best we knew about them right now was that they were made from our weapons, and that we needed to say the name of our weapon in Greek to change it back into the weapon. But because Will's weapon was a bow, he still had to carry a quiver with arrows on him. We opened the box labeled 'Keys' next, and I grabbed out the two keys that were mine, and Will grabbed his. "Apollo had a vault set up for you, but you can still use Nico's if you want, as both of Nico's vaults have more riches then yours." Hecate explained, as Will nodded. He probably was going to use mine anyway, it's also just easier. Though I didn't understand why I had two vaults, I decided I wouldn't pry. I had a feeling I would figure it out later... But anyway, Hecate told us to grab out suitcases, "I'll be transporting you to a place called 12 Grimwolds place." She said, "I've already talked to the Headmaster of Hogwarts, he knows your situation, and is letting you stay there for the week before school starts. Just don't break anything, and the Golden Trio will also be there, try to keep them safe." We both nodded, this would help our mission a bit more. A chance to get to know the people we needed to protect, even before the school year would start. "If it comes up, you can reveal yourselves to the Golden Trio, but ONLY the Golden Trio. Try not to let it get out more then you need it to. The teachers already know- well, most of them, the DADA teacher knows nothing, but I would recommend keeping it that way." Hecate tells us, as she teleports us to a strange place. "Who are you!?" A voice yells, as I open my eyes, a crazy looking person, with tons of scars all over their face is pointing a stick- no sorry- wand, at us. "God, and I thought Demi-Gods had scars!" I whisper to Will, who has just opened his eyes too. He nods, "Yeah, that guy has more scars then both you and Percy combined!" He whispers back. "We're here to talk to someone named Albus Dumbledoor." I tell them, remembering the name that Hecate had mentioned earlier as the headmaster. "Are you Death eaters!?" He yelled at us, and we just broke out laughing. "Death eaters!? Holy Hades! There are people who wanna eat Thanatos!?" I laughed, as Will almost fell to the floor laughing. "That is the most insane, and hilarious thing I've heard this year!" Will says, as the people in the room stared at us in disbelief. "Death eaters are no joke boy!" The crazy looking man says. "Yeah yeah, sure buddy!" I said, panting a bit from laughing too much. "Anyway, can we see Albus Dumbledoor now?" I asked again, pulling Will off the floor where we fell. The people glanced at eachother. Then the mad man nodded. And a kid who looked like a mini Percy ran out into another room. The people kept pointing sti- WANDS, at us. So, in order to not allow them to listen in on us, we talked in Greek. "These people are kinda crazy! I mean, who wants to eat Thanatos!?" I said to Will, "Yeah! I mean, there's like 6 Gingers, a Mini Percy, and a Crazy Scar guy!" Will responds, as I laugh at the nicknames. The people look at us like we're insane, but a Brunette looks at us with curiosity. 'Oh no, another Annabeth...' I looked over to the door Mini Percy ran out, as it opened. A guy who looked older then 100 walked in, and gazed at us. "Nico Di Angelo, and Will Solace, correct?" He asked us. "Depends, who's asking?" I responded, narrowing my eyes. Then I felt a slight tug on my mental barriers, I reinforced them, "Will, one of these guys can read minds. Be careful." I whispered to Will. "Albus Dumbledoor." The old looking man said. "I see, then yes, I'm Nico Di Angelo and this is Will Solace." I said, I was good at reading most emotions, and it didn't seem like the man was lying. "Follow me then," Dumbledoor says, I gaze at Will, and nod. So we follow him into a smaller room, "I assume you have questions?" He asks us. "Obviously. For one, why are you trying to read our minds!?" I ask, a flash of shock can be seen for a second in his eyes, but it quickly changes back into the mischievous glint in his eyes. "Sorry, I could hardly resist." He responds calmly. I roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah." I mumble. "Is that all your questions?" Dumbledoor asks, and Will nods, I do too. "Ok, you'll be sleeping upstairs, in the room next to the Golden Trio's room." He explains to us, as we all stand up and walk out of the room. Most of the people from earlier were now sitting in a dinner room, at a large table. "Everyone, this is Nico Di Angelo, and Will Solace. They are transfer students from Illvermory to Hogwarts. They will be staying here until School starts, and they are still getting used to England. Treat them with respect." Dumbledoor tells the people, and then he leaves. "So... What's your names?" Will asks them.

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