Chapter 3 ~ Arriving at Hogwarts, and half of a first day.

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[ A/N: I had 0 plans for this one, it just kinda happened like this- ]
[ Greek is Italic ] - [ Italian is Underlined ] - [ The Sorting Hat's Talking is Bolded ] - [ Thoughts are in 'Quotes' ]
[ CONTENT WARNING: Swearing, ]


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——————————POV: Nico Di Angelo——————————
I was shaken awake by Will, I hadn't remembered falling asleep, but whatever... "We're almost there, we need to change into robes." Will explained, I looked around, the girls had left the compartment, and Harry, Ron, and Nevile were changing. I stood up, and grabbed my robes. Then left the compartment, I was heading to the bathroom to change, I didn't need them seeing all my scars. It would cause a lot of questions. I came bacl after changing, the robes were long, and I generally hated them, but there was nothing I could do about it. I sat down, and Bia crawled back on my lap. She mewed, and I gave her a treat. "Why did you leave the compartment?" Harry asked, suspicion in his tone. "Personal reasons." I said. I didn't need to tell him, so I wouldn't. I put my sketchbook away, and made sure everything was together. A loud voice boomed over the train. "Please leave your stuff in the train, same with pet Owls." The voice said, which meant we were around 5 minutes away. I put all my stuff infront of the seat, the other's did the same. We all stood up as the train stopped. Bia hopped on my shoulder, while they did say to leave the Owls, they said nothing about Cats. And I personally didn't trust them to treat Bia correctly, so... We walked out of the train, and the Golden Trio whispered something to eachother when we got out. And glanced around a bit, but my attention wasn't on them, it was on the slight aura of death I could feel farther ahead. "Come on Nico, we're taking the carriages to get to Hogwarts!" Hermione yelled, I realized I had zoned out, and everyone was ahead of me now. I ran up, the aura was coming from that direction, so I followed. Once the carriages came in view, I found out why. "Theserals!" I mumbled, running over to them. Will followed close behind me, I stared at them in amazement. They were gorgeous... "You can see them too!" Harry said, and I nodded. "So can Will, Luna, Nevile, Dray, and Hermione." I mumbled, not loud enough for him to hear though. I knew all Demi-Gods could see them naturally, compared to Mortals who could only see them if they've seen a death. I walked closer to them, they slightly bowed, and I petted one. "Gods, you're gorgeous..." I whispered to the Therserals, and they were indeed, gorgeous. "Are you- talking to them!?" Harry stared at me, shock in his tone. "No, just... Petting them." I said, Bia hopped in the carriage, and I followed her in. The other's were already sitting on the carriage, chatting amongst themselves. I zoned out for most of the ride, thinking about how Hogwarts was literally a FUCKING CASTLE. It was quite literally insane. Even if it was nothing compared to Olympus or my Father's palace, it was still insane. I stared at the castle for a bit longer, until Will shook me. "Nico! You're zoning out again." Will says, as Harry looks over to me, curiosity and suspicion in his gaze. "Why can you see the Theserals? And why do they like you so much?" He asks, I look at the theserals who were pulling the carriage. While Ron looks confused. "My mother." I said, my tone blank. "What does your mother have to do with Theserals? And why are you talking about them anyway?" Ron asks, I look over at him. "The Theserals are pulling the carriages, and Theserals can only be seen by those who have seen someone die." I explain, and a look of horror and slight sympathy appears on his face. I turn away, looking back at the Theserals and petting Bia who was sitting on Will's lap now. I looked around the Carriage, to realize Luna, Neville, and Ginny were not with us. They were probably on the carriage after us, but I was suprised I hadn't realized earlier. I sighed, leaning on Will. We were nearing the castle, but the ride was still boring. Finally, we reached the castle, and we were escorted to a large dining room, a midnight sky visible above us. Me and Will were told to sit off to the side, and wait for the first years before we could get sorted. As if on cue, a sea of small children came rushing in. Then, Dumbledoor stood up, and said a few words to the children, while one of the professors set an old looking hat on a stool. Suddenly, the hat grew a face, and started to-... Sing?

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