Chapter 2 ~ Train Rides.

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[ A/N: I hate Trains. ]
[ Greek is Italic ] - [ Italian is Underlined ] - [ Important stuff is Bolded ] - [ Thoughts are in 'Quotes' ]
[ CONTENT WARNING: Swearing, ]


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☀︎——————————POV: Will Solace——————————☀︎
It had been a while since our visits to the bank, and it had been quieter then expected. The days were normal, we woke up, showered, changed, ate breakfast, went to our room, read stuff or talked, ate lunch, talked a bit with the people, went to our room, prepared for Friday ( the day we go to Hogwarts ), ate dinner, went to sleep. We did that for 3 days in a row. It was starting to get very boring. We had one more day before the trip to Hogwarts, and I was sort of excited? The magic the Wizards were doing seemed very cool, but only the adults were really using much magic. I didn't understand it much, but also, didn't think it was my issue to care about. So I stayed quiet. Nico seemed to be so bored, that he started messing around with Underworldly-magic stuff! His father had granted him the ability to do more stuff without getting as tired a bit ago, and with that, he learned there are still things he didn't know he could do. Right now he was practicing his ability to control shadows to scan his surroundings, something he could do before, but not as well. I sighed, it was too early for this. Even if it was 2pm, anytime is too early for Nico to be doing Underworldly-magic. "The Twin Weaslys are in the living room with Mad Eye Moody, and Arthur. While Molly is in the Kitchen. And the Golden Trio is in their room. Lupin and Sirius are hanging off in a room to the side." Nico said, sitting down next to me. "How long until Dinner?" He asked, as I checked my watch. "3 hours." I said, he leaned his head back, and used a shadow to grab his notebook and a pencil from across the room. He opened it to a blank page, and started sketching a Theseral, Nico had told me about them before, he said they were black bone horses, who had hidden wings to fly. They were creatures from the Underworld, and he had heard they were at Hogwarts too. "I can't wait to see them!" He had said. Nico had also picked up the habit of sketching things recently, so he started to carry around a notebook and a pencil everywhere. He never let me look through it though, but I had sneaked around and took a peak at it before, there was a lot of sketches of me, which I blushed at quite a bit... BUT ANYWAY... I sat there watching him sketch in amazement, he was very good at it. But then someone knocked on our door. I opened it, to see Hermione. "Can I speak to you two for a second?" She asked, I looked over at Nico, and nodded. Then let her in. She shut the door behind her, and sat down on the spare bed we never used. "What do you need Hermione?" I asked, a bit curious. "You two are uhh... Demi-Gods, correct?" She asked, Nico looked up from his sketchbook instantly, and we sat there shocked for a few moments. "How did you come to that conclusion?" I asked. "I'm a daughter of Athena." Hermione responded, "And you're a son of Apollo, while Nico is a son of Hades. I've seen you at camp before." She explains. I nod. "I'm suprised we've never seen you around camp, and even more suprised we didn't notice you were a Demi-God." Nico said, leaning back, and continuing to sketch, but still listening to us talk. "Well, at least now we have someone to answer a couple questions..." I mumbled. "How many other Demi-Gods are at Hogwarts?" I asked her. "Well, there's Luna Lovegood, a daughter of Iris. Then there's Nevile Longbottom, who's unclaimed. And finally Draco Malfoy, who's a son of- well, I don't know actually... He's a Demi-God, but we weren't there for his claiming, nor has he told us his godly parent." Hermione told us, Nico glanced up quickly when he heard Draco's name. "Draco Malfoy? As in, a blonde boy with gray-ish eyes?" Nico asks, I'm a bit confused why, 'Does he know Draco?' I think. "Yeah, that's him." Hermione says. "Shit..." I can hear Nico mumble. "Do you know him?" Hermione asks him. Nico quickly shakes his head- a lie. He definitely knows this Draco guy, but if he doesn't wanna tell, that's fine, he'll tell when he's ready... Probably. Hermione seems to have realized that too, but also doesn't pry. She continues answering our questions for a bit, then Nico shuts us up. "Shush! There's someone coming!" He whisper-yells at us. As someone knocks on the door. "Hey mates, do you know where 'mione is?" Ron asks, "I'm in here!" Hermione quickly responds, getting up, and shooting us a look that says *We'll talk later* then walking out. I check the time, only an hour left before Dinner. I sigh, leaning back to start waiting.

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