Chapter 4 ~ Two Crazy teachers in one day!?

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[ A/N: Nico will not enjoy the rest of his first day... ]
[ Greek is Italic ] - [ Italian is Underlined ] - [ Prophecies are Bolded ] - [ Thoughts are in 'Quotes' ]
[ CONTENT WARNING: Swearing, ]


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——————————POV: Nico Di Angelo——————————
Lunch went by fine. Even with Harry and Ron throwing very suspicious glances at us, we ended up chatting with Hermione and Neville about the Demi-Gods in Hogwarts. There's a first year Slytherin who they believe to be a Demi-God, but they have no way to find out until they get claimed. As their only 11, which mean's their most likely not claimed yet. Plus, they weren't seen in Camp HalfBlood. But we have no clue about Camp Jupiter, as none of us are Roman Demi-Gods, and I haven't been to Camp Jupiter in a while. Other then that, Lunch was over quickly. Then we had Divination... I was not excited for this one. "Well, let's see how this one goes. As a son of the god of prophecies, I hope this is a good class." Will mumbled, just barely loud enough for me to hear him. "Yeah right! The last thing we need is another prophecy." I whisper to him, as we reach the classroom door, which was at the top of a HUGE staircase, I mean, why!? Who has time to walk up there every time they have this class!? I open the door, and we sit at a table by Ron and Harry, apparently Hermione had dropped this class already. Which meant, we were pretty much alone. Then, the teacher came in... She looked absolutely crazy, like an Iris child on a whole bucket of crack. "I sense we have new students..." The professor said, turning to us. "Do you have... The inner eye?" She asked, while we just looked at eachother like *what the hades.*. "Uhh, the what?" Will asked, it was a bad sign if a child of Apollo didn't understand what you were saying, if you're a Divination teacher. "Shame." She said, walking away to start teaching. "Today we will be predicting our deaths using our hands." She says, while I turn to Will. "Is that possible?" I ask, but he shakes his head. "Absolutely not!" He glares at the teacher, "This woman is crazy!" He whispers. I nod, 'She really is!' I though, as she walks around helping people pReDIct their deaths. Which for one, is impossible for anyone who is not a Hades child, or a god- or maybe a titan. Hades children can tell when someone is close to death, but even they can't tell when. This teacher was a fake! Then she came over to us, and went still. "Seven Halfbloods will answer the call-" she started, as me and Will looked at eachother in a panic. I made a quick decision, and threw a quill at her, hoping to knock her out of her trance. She stopped speaking, "How dare you interrupt the spirits!" She says, but Will stands up. "No! How dare YOU start spouting prophecies that were filled ages ago!" He yells, at this point, everyone in the class was looking at us, even Harry and Ron. "Nico, get up. We're getting out of here before we get issued another Proph-" He starts to say, but gets cut off by the teacher again. "The Ghost King and Sun's Son are sent to a place of Magic, to protect the Chosen one from the dark forces. Yet another force comes to play, and when HalfBloods of Hogwarts begin to suffer from attacks. They have a grave decision to make, one of death or life." She says, me and Will look at eachother, and make a silent agreement. *Grab Ron and Harry, we need to get them out of here and find the other Demi-Gods.* we agree, I grab Harry, while Will grabs Ron, and we pull them out of the classroom. "Hey!" They yell at us. "Shut up, we need to find Hermione, Neville, Draco, and Luna." Will yells back at them, then looks at me. I know what he's asking already, and start to use my powers to find where they are. "Draco, Hermione, and Neville are in the Great Hall. Luna is in class." I say, he nods, and we book it to the great hall, pulling a yelling Ron and Harry behind us. As we reach the Great Hall, I head to the Slytherin table to grab Dray, while Will brings Harry and Ron to Neville and Hermione. "Dray! No time to talk, come with me." I say, he looks at me in confusion, but nods and gets up. We head straight to the Griffindor common room, and into me and Will's room, where Will, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Neville were waiting. "Ok, now why did you bring us all here, and why did you let Malfoy in!?" Ron asks, throwing suspicious glares at us. Will decides to talk first, but first addresses the Demi-Gods. "The Divination professor issued a Prophecy to all of us." He quickly explains, as everyone- ( Except Harry and Ron ) has a look of shock on their face. "SHE DID WHAT!?" They all yell, ( Except Harry and Ron, or course. ) "I THOUGHT SHE WAS A FRAUD!" Dray yells, while Hermione and Neville nod. "What was the prophecy!?" Hermione asks, saying the last part in Greek, while Ron and Harrry have very confused looks on their faces. "The Ghost King and Sun's Son are sent to a place of Magic, to protect the Chosen one from the dark forces. Yet another force comes into play, and when the HalfBloods of Hogwarts begin to suffer from attacks. They have a grave decision to make, one of death or life." Will recites in Greek, the Demi-Gods all look at eachother, then look at Harry. "So, we tell them now?" Dray asks. "Yep." I respond. "Harry, Ron, I'm going to tell you a lot of very strange things, do NOT over react, or talk at ALL until I'm done." I say, then begin to explain the whole *Greek and Roman Mythology is actually real, and we're Demi-Gods* thing. To show some proof, I Shadow Travel behind them and scare them a bit. "Hold on, what is Greek and Roman Mythology?" Ron asks. And Hermione rolls her eyes. "Gods you're an idiot!" She said, before giving a quick run-down. "Oh." Is all he responds with, then Hermione looks over to Dray. "Actually, Draco, who's your Godly parent anyway, you still haven't told us." She asks, Dray looks over at me. "Should I?" He asks in Italian, which I had taught him a couple years ago. "Go ahead." I respond, nodding. "Hades." He says casually, leaning into a Shadow, then appearing next to me. Hermione, and Neville's eyes widen, so does Harry's. "Wait. WHAT!?" Hermione and Neville yell. "Uhh, yeah." He said, shrugging. While Will laughs in the background. "Best reaction today!" He said, sitting down on our bed. "Hold on, why is there only one bed if both of you use this room?" Ron asks, which he apparently only now realized. Then Bia hopped on Will's lap. "Ron, you're an idiot." I say, Shadow Travelling to the bed, and sitting next to Will. Harry seemed to catch on, as he said, "Ohhhh," "Is that going to be a problem?" I ask, and he quickly shakes his head. "No it's fine." Harry responds. As Will checks the time. "Guys, we have our next class in 10 minutes, you all should leave and get ready." He announces, and everyone nods. Then they all leave our room. "Hopefully this next class will be better." I say, then Will looks at me. "Don't jinx it!" He responds, standing up. 'This is going to be a mess.'

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