Chapter 5 ~ Questioning.

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[ A/N: This one will be better... ]
[ Greek is Italic ] - [ Italian is Underlined ] - [ Important stuff is Bolded ] - [ Thoughts are in 'Quotes' ]



☀︎——————————POV: Will Solace——————————☀︎
I sighed, laying in my bed as I think about the crazy day I had just went through. Nico was already asleep, tired from the multiple shadow travels around the castle today. Once we had gotten into our room, we had fed Bia and my un-named Owl, then he went straight- wait no, he's definitely not that- to bed. Which left me, laying in the bed, thinking. 'This day was... Terrible. A Prophecy, a stupid teacher, and a Toad. Also the secret had to be revealed.' I thought, before falling asleep. Not at all ready for the next morning.

—————TIME SKIP: Next morning—————

Of course, I had woken up before Nico. As soon as I awoke, I changed quickly into my robes. ( Which I still hate btw. ) And then went to wake Nico up. "Death Breathhh... Wake up!" I said, pulling him out of the bed. "5 more minutes..." He mumbled, causing me to roll my eyes. "You always say that, then sleep for another 2 hours." I respond. "That's the point..." He mumbles. "Wake up death breath!!" I yell at him, and he sighs, leaning up. "What time is it?" He asks, yawning. "Uhh, about 7am? Get up." I say to him, causing him to sigh dramatically again. "Finee..." He wines, getting out of the bed, then heading to change. While waiting, I put more food in Bia's food bowl, and feed my Owl too. Then Nico comes back out. "These robes suck." Nico says, I then nod in agreement. "Why must Wizards wear such long, and outdated clothing?" I ask, which was a rhetorical question. "What classes do we have today?" Nico asks, as I pull out the schedule. "Double Charms, Double Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and.... Herbology." I list them, Nico groans at the last one. "Can we skip Herbology? I can't be near any plants that are not Grass, Trees, or Leaves..." He says, "You know why." Which yeah, I do know why. Persephone had set a curse on him that makes it so most plants will attack him, once he gets near them. No matter if it's something nomrally harmless, like... Strawberries, which also, do attack him. It's probably smarter for him to skip... "Yeah... I might join you. I think it would be fun to explore the castle a bit, so you don't need to use Underworldly powers everywhere." I respond, then check the clock. "Breakfast just ended... We missed it! We need to go to Charms now!" I said, Nico nods, and makes a quick decision, pulling me into the shadows. We appear outside the Charms room, luckily, no-one is there yet, as Breakfast has just ended. "Nico! You shouldn't be doing that!" I say, but Nico shushes me. "Hold on, I feel like someone is by us." He whispers. "Nevermind. It's just Draco." He says, sighing. "Dray! Get out of the shadows." Nico said, glaring at a patch of shadows in the corner. "No fun! Anyway, I was heading to my next class when I spotted you. Have fun in charms." Draco said, before hopping back into the shadows and disappearing. 'It still feels weird to see another person able to do that...' A few, very boring, hours go by in Charms. Or maybe it was only one hour... I have no clue. It felt like months went by. As soon as we got out of Charms, we were pulled over by none other then Harry Potter. "We need to talk." He says to me and Nico. "Do we go?" I ask Nico, who sighs, then nods. "Follow me." Harry says. We follow him to a wall, then Harry paces around the wall for a moment, and finally, a door appears. "Dam, how many hidden doors does this castle have?" I hear Nico mumble, then we follow Harry into the room, where Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and Draco are waiting. "Huh, I didn't expect you to actually find them. Let alone get them to follow you." Draco says, causing Harry to roll his eyes. "Whatever." Harry responds, sitting down. "Ok, what is this about?" Nico asks, leaning against a wall. "The Prophecy. It said Halfbloods of Hogwarts begin to face attacks." Luna said, "Which means me, Hermione, Neville, and Draco." The other Demi-Wizards nod, "Right, and we need to figure out what it means by that." Hermione explains. "Ok, but what does Harry and Ron have to do with this conversation?" Nico asks, then pauses. "Nevermind, I understand why Harry is here, but Ron?" He says, shaking his head. "Ron wouldn't let Harry come here alone, and Harry wouldn't come without Ron." Draco explains, "Woah, when did you begin using first names?" Neville asks, but Draco doesn't respond. "Can you guys use English?" Ron asks, then we realize we were talking in Greek the whole time. "Yeah, sorry." I say, then Nico sighs. "We're wasting time, let's get on with this already." Nico says, and so, the questioning begins.


——————————POV: Nico Di Angelo——————————
I had a harsh headache in this room, and felt the presence of a soul that didn't belong there. It was getting annoying. I wanted this questioning to be over quickly, now that I knew how this room worked, I could get the soul later, but I couldn't do it with all these people around. So I stayed quiet, observing as the children asked questions. Luna, Neville, and Draco haven't been to camp in a while, so they mostly had questions about that, but Hermione visted every other month, so she asked more about the prophecy. "No clue, all I know is that Ghost king refers to me-" I said, answering a question about the prophecy from Hermione, but I was cut off. "Wait, you're the KING of GHOSTS??" Ron exclaimed. "Have you never noticed the Ghosts bow to me every time I walk by them?" I ask, a rhetorical question, but I don't think Ron caught onto that. "Nope." He responds, then I sigh. "Anyway, Ghost king is me, Sun's Son is Will, and Luna, Neville, Draco, and Hermione are the HalfBloods at Hogwarts that we know of." I continue, "But their could be more HalfBloods we haven't realized yet." Will nods in agreement. "Yeah, there probably is more, judging by the fact this is Hecate's world, which means her children are probably here." Will said, ignoring the look of confusion on Harry and Ron's faces. "Definitely. We'll need to find them soon though, or else they might die before we figure it out." Draco said, saying the last part in Greek so Harry and Ron don't worry.  "How can you tell when someone is a Demi-God?" Harry asks. "Well, if they have ADHD and Dyslexia, plus can read Ancient Greek or Latin, their probably a HalfBlood- or, Demi-God as you call us." I say, but then pause. "Or... We could find out by walking around with a sword or something, and wrap it in a thick layer of mist." I point out. "That would work, but it would have to be a very thick layer. Most Wizards can see through the mist." Hermione says. "Wait, weapons?" Ron asks. I sigh, pulling out my Sword. "Yes, weapons." I said. "Daggers are cooler." Draco mutters. "Dray, I can suck your soul out of your body with this sword." I say, rolling my eyes at him. Harry and Ron have a mix of Horror, and Confusion on their faces. "You wouldn't. Father would kill you!" He teases. "Oh yeah? Wanna bet?" I say, lifting my sword into an attack position. Draco's eyes light up at the challenge, and he pulls out a dagger. "Bring it on!" He said. "Hold on now! You two cannot be killing eachother!" Hermione states, but Will stops her. "Let them, this is the 6th time they've done it. Nothing will stop them." He says, with a sigh. Then I charge at Draco, he dodges quickly, aiming for my leg. I notice this, and shadow travel behind him, knocking his dagger out of his hand. He grins, and pulls out his wand. Draco stays silent for a moment, then the dagger flies back into his hand. This fight goes on for another 10 minutes, then we begin to get tired and stop. "Done yet?" Will asks, I nod in response, sitting down. He leans down and heals me quickly. "Continuing our conversation before these two started to fight..." Hermione started, "I think wrapping weapons in a thick layer of mist, and walking around the school is our best option. Anyone who disagrees?" She asks, but pauses when both Harry and Ron raise their hand. "Any Demi-Gods who disagree?" She corrects herself, as Harry and Ron groan, putting their hands down. "Nope, that checks out." Neville says, and Draco nods in agreement. "So... It's lunch, let's just walk into the great hall like that." I suggest, earning a sigh from Will. "I hate to say it, but I agree." He said. Then pulled out his bow. Hermione pulled out a sword, and Neville did the same. "Gods, I've not held this sword in months!" Hermione says, "Hermione! I challenge you to a duel!" Draco pipes up, raising his hand. "No! After you and Nico's performance, that would be basically a death wish." Hermione said, shaking her head. I chuckled at Harry and Ron's faces, the mist was hiding their weapons before, but now, the weapons were clear as day. But not for long, Draco sighed, and started to help wrap the weapons in mist. "Woah, the swords are gone!" Ron exlaims. "Obviously... It's like you didn't listen to our explanation at all." I mumbled, but he obviously didn't hear me. "Well, that tells us the Wizards cannot see it with a thick layer of mist." Hermione concludes,
——————————POV END——————————

[ A/N: This fic, has been paused. I do not know if I will ever finish this, but if I do, I have over 20 more chapters I can write for you guys, but that will not happen for a while. I want to focus on another HP x PJO fic I've been planning, one that has better events, and better storyline to it. I also want to make fics about other fandoms, and work on my own neglected books. Sorry everyone, and goodbye for now. ]
[ WORD COUNT: 1752 ]

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