Chapter 4

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Leafpaw lay in her warm, cozy nest right beside Tansypaw. She blinked open her eyes and looked to her right, spotting Tansypaw's cream-colored pelt. She lay against him for warmth, closing her eyes again.

She felt Tansypaw's body twitch as she lay against him. Confused, Leafpaw opened her eyes and sat up. She watched Tansypaw move, thrashing around and twitching. "Tansypaw?" she meowed softly, concern growing in her.

Tansypaw lay there, twitching without a sound.

"Tansypaw!" She prodded him with her paw.

Tansypaw let out a low growl. "Don't you mind, I'm sleeping!"

"Sorry!" Leafpaw squeaked. "But you were twitching in your sleep and thrashing around!"

Tansypaw stared at her with his cold blue eyes. "Just keep your nose out of my fur,"

As he turned his head away from her, Leafpaw noticed a bleeding scratch on his muzzle. "What's that?" she meowed.

"What's what?" he hissed.

"You have a scar on your muzzle!"

Tansypaw's eyes widened in fear for a second before he closed his eyes and shook his head irritably. "There's probably just a thorn in my nest," Without another word, he turned away and laid his head back down on his paws, closing his eyes.

"Toms," Leafpaw muttered. Deep down, she was worried and knew there was something wrong.

Hesitantly, she laid back down and closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes and saw a beautiful forest. As she padded forward slowly, her paws felt light as though she could fly. Suddenly, she spotted a pale gray she-cat with blue eyes. "Who are you?" Leafpaw meowed.

"I'm Rainshine," the pale gray she-cat meowed.

Leafpaw blinked; she had never heard that name before. "I've never heard of your name before though?"

"I was an old PineClan medicine cat," Rainshine meowed.

Leafpaw's eyes widened. "Really?"

Rainshine nodded. "I was Pebbleleaf's apprentice, she was a close friend of Pinestar."

"Pinestar!?" Leafpaw exclaimed. She had only heard the name before when the clans had first been founded.

Rainshine nodded, her eyes full of wistfulness.

"Why have you come to speak with me?" Leafpaw meowed.

"Something dark lays beyond StarClan's territory and someone may be wandering too far," Rainshine meowed.

Leafpaw's eyes widened. I'm not a medicine cat! she thought. How am I supposed to interpret this?

"Be careful, Leafpaw." Rainshine meowed before she faded from view.

Leafpaw opened her eyes to find herself back in her nest beside Tansypaw. She turned her head and saw his cream-colored pelt full of blood. "Tansypaw!"

Tansypaw stared at her coldly. "What now?"

"Your pelt!"


"It's covered in blood!" Leafpaw meowed.

Tansypaw looked down. "Just a thorn," he mumbled.

"How can a thorn cause that?" Leafpaw meowed, leaning forward. "Let me lick your pelt clean-"

Tansypaw pulled away. "There's no need for that, I'll just wash off at the stream,"

"Fine!" Leafpaw meowed. "But hurry up, we have battle training later."

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