Chapter 11

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Ivypaw was fully alert now, her fur bristled. She turned around.

A patrol of a ginger she-cat with pale green eyes, a dark gray tabby tom with a fluffy tail and amber eyes, a cream-colored tom with blue eyes and a cream-colored tom with green eyes stood in front of them.

"I'm Willowwing," the ginger she-cat meowed. "This is Graytail," she meowed, flicking her tail to the dark gray tabby. "Fernshade," She flicked her tail to the cream-colored tom with green eyes. "And Robinclaw," She flicked her tail to the cream-colored tom with blue eyes.

"I'm Ivypaw," Ivypaw meowed. "That's my brother, Perchpaw," She flicked her tail to Perchpaw.

"I'm Thistlebreeze, and that's Emberpaw." Thistlebreeze flicked his tail to his sister.

"I'm Leafpaw," Leafpaw meowed.

Creekpaw padded up. "And I'm Creekpaw,"

"You have clan names," Willowwing commented.

"Yes, we all come from different clans," Creekpaw meowed.

Willowwing nodded. "I'm part of LunarClan," she meowed.

Ivypaw's eyes widened. "LunarClan?"

Willowwing nodded. "We should take you to our leader, you are on our territory after all." she meowed.

"And why should we trust you?" Leafpaw meowed, her eyes narrowed.

Moonlight landed on the forest behind them, casting beautiful light onto the ground.

"I think this is the right place," Ivypaw meowed.

"Then let's follow them," Perchpaw hissed.

They padded into the unfamiliar forest territory. Once deeper into their territory, Willowwing, Fernshade, Graytail and Robinclaw stopped and padded to the side, reaching a in a steep-sided, grassy ravine.

Padding carefully down the steep ravine, she noticed hollows and assumed they were for dens. After reaching the bottom of the ravine, she looked around and spotted a white she-cat with amber eyes sharing tongues with a dark orange tom with a scar on his back and amber eyes. Ivypaw felt a pang of longing for Reedpaw.

She thought back to before she had left. "I have a warrior assessment coming up, so I sadly won't be meeting you for a while," she had lied.

"Okay, Ivypaw, good luck," Reedpaw had meowed. "I can't wait to see you again," He had licked her ear before saying goodbye and leaving.

Now Ivypaw was here with the other cats, going on a long journey. Ivypaw didn't know when she would see Reedpaw, or if she would even see him again.

"This is Sparrowstar," Fernshade meowed, bringing Ivypaw back to what was happening around her.

A long-haired charcoal tabby tom with darker splotches and dark blue eyes stood on a pine log, looking down at the cats. "Who are these cats?" he meowed.

While Fernshade repeated their names, Ivypaw glanced around. She spotted a hollow behind where the charcoal-colored tabby tom, Sparrowstar, stood. She figured it was the leader's den.

"Interesting," Sparrowstar meowed after Fernshade finished listing off their names. "Where do they come from?"

"Some other clans," Willowwing meowed.

Sparrowstar's ears perked up in interest. "Really?" He turned back to them. "How long do you assume you will be staying here?"

Ivypaw heard Creekpaw swallow. "At least a moon," she meowed softly.

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