Chapter 6

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Creekpaw was exhausted. In the past quarter moon, she had learned the medicine code and found the best places for herbs. Now, she sat in the medicine den with Bristleheart in front of her.

"Now, it is time to learn some basic herbs," Bristleheart meowed.

Creekpaw looked attentively at Bristleheart. "Okay," she meowed.

"This is alder bark," Bristleheart picked up a brown-ish gray piece of bark. "This has been stripped from an alder tree. When chewed, this eases toothaches."

Creekpaw nodded, taking in the information.

Bristleheart held a green leaf with spiky edges. "These are blackberry leaves, it can help with stings when made into a poultice."

Creekpaw nodded once again, sniffing the leaves and smelling the sharp scent. 

"This is borage," Bristleheart picked up a purple flower with soft, dark green leaves; the scent was distinguished from other herbs. "It can help a queen produce more milk and also bring down fevers, it also soothes bellies and helps relieve tight chests."

Creekpaw looked carefully at it before nodding.

Bristleheart picked up a soft leafy plant with a wonderful scent. "This is catmint, it helps cure greencough,"

. . .

Bristleheart went on until Creekpaw had known the appearances, usages and locations of alder bark, blackberry leaves, borage, catmint, chamomile, horsetail, juniper berries, marigold, poppy seeds and yarrow and Bristleheart had taught her how to treat problems such as bellyaches and minor diseases and injuries.

At that time, Stonemist had come in complaining about a bellyache.

"Lie down," Bristleheart ordered.

Letting out a soft moan, Stonemist laid down in an empty nest in the medicine den. Bristleheart poked a paw on his stomach, in which Stonemist let out a louder moan.

"Let me get you some watermint," Bristleheart meowed, padding to her herb stock. She picked up a wide green stalk with many leaves on it with a sharp tang. "This is watermint," she meowed to her apprentice.

Creekpaw nodded as she watched Bristleheart began to chew the watermint into a pulp. After a few minutes, Bristleheart spat out the pulp. Bristleheart pushed the pulp with her paw towards Stonemist.

Stonemist groaned before eating the watermint. He chewed before swallowing, then let out a low moan. "My stomach," he groaned. "It's not working,"

"Try to use the dirtplace tunnel," Creekpaw suggested, remembering her training with Bristleheart from the past quarter moon.

Groaning, Stonemist lifted himself up towards the exit of the medicine den. A few minutes passed before he came back, groaning.

"Not feeling any better?" Creekpaw meowed sympathetically.

Stonemist let out a moan in response as he lowered himself back into the nest.

"Get some juniper berries, Creekpaw," Bristleheart meowed.

Instantly, Creekpaw scrambled over to the herb collection and picked up the blue-ish purple berries. She pushed them with her paw towards Stonemist.

Stonemist picked them up and swallowed the berries. His moans slowly died down.

"Feeling better?" Bristleheart meowed.

Stonemist nodded and slowly lifted himself up. "Thank you, Bristleheart," he meowed. "And Creekpaw, of course," he added before padding out.

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