Chapter 13

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Emberpaw hated it in LunarClan. She felt lonely; her brother was a warrior and not with her. He wasn't on patrols with her or out hunting with her. She thought of running back to the clans with her brother; surely, he would be on board, he would love to see Specklecloud, she thought.

The entire day, she stuffed herself with fresh-kill, preparing herself for her journey. Even if Thistlebreeze didn't agree to go, she would still go. She decided to take the chance to ask him as it was one of the only times she could talk to him. "Thistlebreeze?" she meowed.

"Yes, Emberpaw?" he meowed, padding over.

Emberpaw scuffled her paws. "I'm going to return to the clans..." She swallowed. "I was hoping you'd come with me,"

Thistlebreeze looked up. "Really?"

Emberpaw nodded. "I really think we should," she meowed. "Besides, you can Specklecloud."

Thistlebreeze's eyes lit up. "Okay then.. let's go!" he meowed.

Taking an opportunity at dawn the next morning, her and Thistlebreeze fled from the ravine. At the top, she glanced around, trying to remember the path she had taken. She had to go back to the area with the strange Twoleg pelt-looking things, back to the Twolegplace, back to the Thunderpath, back to where Tiger lived and then back to IvyClan! she thought.

"Let's go back to that area where the Twoleg with the strange pelt-looking things were," she meowed. 

After what felt like hours of padding through the forest, their paws aching, they reached the forest clearing where the Twolegs had the pelt-looking things propped up on sticks. Thistlebreeze and Emberpaw quickly padded on, hoping Twolegs wouldn't notice them. As they reached the end of the dark, dense forest, light landed on Thistlebreeze and Emberpaw, sunlight dancing off their pelts.

. . .

Thistlebreeze and her had finally reached the Thunderpath. "Let's cross," Emberpaw breathed. Waiting for a monster to race by; the loud sounds ringing in her ears; Emberpaw gave the yowl. She raced across the thunderpath, quickly followed by her brother. They raced across, their paws thundering. Her paw pads ached, but she didn't care. Skidding to a halt at the end, she panted.

Thistlebreeze stopped beside her, gasping for breath. "It's all worth it," he meowed. "I'll see Specklecloud."

Her and Thistlebreeze padded deeper into the forest, nearing IvyClan territory. Emberpaw nearly shook with excitement as she went on, leaves crunching beneath her paws. She broke into a run, her fur blowing back in the breeze. As she came to a halt, her fur was ruffled but she didn't care. She had finally reached IvyClan.

She ran through the moorlands towards IvyClan camp, closely followed by Thistlebreeze. Reaching camp, she stopped running breathlessly.

A flame-colored pelt flashed in her eyes. Specklecloud, she thought.

Instantly, Specklecloud ran at Thistlebreeze. She crashed into him, boweling him to the floor and rolling with him. She purred, rolling on the ground with him while she licked his face. "Specklecloud!" Thistlebreeze purred, sitting up with his fur ruffled, cuffing her over the ear gently.

Specklecloud nuzzled into his shoulder. "I thought I had lost you," she meowed. "Where have you been?" she meowed.

"You won't lose me to StarClan for a while," he promised, resting his head on top of her head between the ears.

Specklecloud looked up. "But where have you been?" she meowed.

"StarClan sent us on a journey," he meowed, trying not to give away too much information. "We couldn't complete it so we left," he lied.

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