Part 13: Down and dirty

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Eldian and Piña-faction troops move through the muddy terrain that has changed the land ever since all-out war broke out

Eldian Marine: Keep moving!

They charge through as mortars shell the land

Marleyen soldier: Fire!

Eldian troops began screaming, either from the fact that they got hit or they were simply unable to cope with this new stress

Satoshi: We need to take out those field guns!
Marine: We can't! Those Marleyen machine guns are not letting us through!

They fall back under intense enemy fire

Satoshi: Shit...
Piña-faction soldier: What now?
Satoshi: ... We wait for new orders.

Meanwhile, the generals continue to converse with one another

Eldian General: This is different from the way your wars are fought. Tight formations are useless! Human wave tactics are more suitable for this.
Piña-faction general: But it might work!
General: Stop living in the past! They. Don't. Work!

With the Marleyen and the Zorzal-faction, they reveled in yet another successful defense

Zorzal: Hah! We couldn't have done it without your honorable soldiers!
Marleyen General: Stop flattering us, it's too much.
Zorzal: Now, here's a new form of attack. Using your "Iron Elephants" with my legions...

Back in Eldian trenches, Satoshi spots Bozes and Panache, trying to adjust to the muddy conditions of the trenches

Bozes: Satoshi-dono, how can you and the other Eldians just deal with these awful conditions?
Panache: You seem more used to these things.
Satoshi: This is war, not like that lousy close-combat fighting you call war. There is no glory. There is no honor. So suck it up.

He enters the command tent as he gets briefed

General: Lieutenant, we want your men to get ready to go over. And you keep on trying to contact the 112th. We need their insights.

Then, a soldier barges in

Satoshi: State your regiment and  number.
Marine: 6G45TH, from the 112th.

General: Our eastern flank?! We've been trying to get in contact with you for the past 4 hours!
Marine: Our lines have been cut off. My commander sent me and my men to levy the message that, as of now, the enemy's line is weakening. I suggest we charge immediately.
Commander: And your unit?
Marine: Dead, sir.
Commander: Very well, join the line.

Outside, Eldian and Piña-faction soldiers get ready as they brace for the impending order

Eldian Captain: Affix bayonets!

A hefty silence before being rudely disrupted by a blow of a whistle

Eldian troops charge across the battlefield as Marley as the Zorzal-faction troops retreat to the second trench

Marleyen Trooper: Incoming!

They get to their defenses and proceed to decimate the first troopers they see

Eldian trooper: Get clear! Firing!

Marleyen Trooper: Over there!

But it was too late as Marines began pouring into their trench, bayonets clashing or trusted deep into their flesh as they screamed and yelled in the fierce enclosed spaces of the trenches

Five hours. Five mother-fucking hours of bloodshed all came to a halt as Eldia seizes victory. The capital is wide open. By this point in time, it's clearly obvious who between the Zorzal and Piña factions shall claim the throne

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