3: Troubleshooting Turmoil

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"Okay, Mr. Know-It-All, any bright ideas?" Nico teased Sigils.

"Hey, don't look at me! Ask Mr. Hacking Genius over there," Sigils retorted, pointing at Henwy.

Henwy shrugged. "I'm clueless too. Maybe we should resort to reading the manuals."

"Ugh, those manuals are a drag," Biffle groaned.

"But they might hold some clues," Sigils insisted.

Nico nodded. "Henwy could skim through with his hacks, but it's not foolproof."

"Looks like we're in for the slow route," Sigils sighed.

The gang trudged to the library, each diving into the manuals. Sigils got distracted by fantasy, Henwy found nothing, but Nico...?

He stumbled upon stories of romance novels—and let's just say everything went bad as he progressed reading.

"Oh, Jesus Christ, why am I reading romance books?! It gets worse when I read it further!" Nico complained.

"Why do we even have romance books?" Henwy questioned, skeptical.

Both Henwy and Nico looked at Sigils, who was known to be made fun of being single, and Sigils shot a look at him, prompting a defensive response. "Yeah, I'm single, but you two aren't off the hook either!"

"True, but I'm not so sure about Henwy." Nico stated.

Henwy goes on to explain that one time he followed his sister who was a Hollywood star to simmer down the paparazzi, and he got a lot of stalkers at his apartment after that incident, confessing their love to him, and the worst thing? Even children were confessing their feelings to him!

"And that's why you had to move three times until you decided to move to Canada for a bit where barely anyone found you?" Sigils ended his statement.

"Yep, pretty much." Henwy said. (Obv that isn't real and doesn't sound real)

"Or it could be Biffle. Where the hell is Biffle anywa-" Sigils predicted, but they heard a loud clank, which lead them to rush out to see Biffle, accidentally dropping two orbs, which one of them was Henwy's, and caused his island to stop working, and another orb which was from the natural disasters wall.

"Hey, what was that for?! Do you have a grudge against me or something?" Henwy asked, while putting back the orb.

"I was bored! And I didn't want to read the manuals, they're too long!" Biffle complained.

"Then what do you want to do?" Nico asked.

"Honestly, you know what? I'm gonna give you a punishment. You're gonna have to read all the manuals one by one and inform us if there's anything similar to what's been happening currently." Sigils declared, making Biffle whine telling him he didn't want to read it, and with all the complains, Sigils declared again.

"If you're not reading the manuals, I'm gonna make Henwy summon a snow cloud on top your head and it's gonna follow everywhere you go."

"What? Why me? Plus I can't even make it snow unless I'm sick!" Henwy exclaimed.

"True, but I can give you prawns for you to fall sick." Sigils stated proudly.

"If you give me prawns, it's never gonna snow again because I'm dead."

"Yeah, Sigils, Henwy's deathly allergic to seafood, so even if he takes a nibble, he's probably gonna die."

"Yeah, about that Sigils, you gave me chicken drizzled with fish sauce, without telling me it had fish, that I went into a coma for two weeks and Kit had to lie for me saying that I caught the chicken pox!" Henwy chided.

"It's that bad? Oh my goodness, I mean I have allergies too, but yours are definitely way worse..." Biffle stated.

Sigils picked up the orb, and it was a blue orb, which was Biffle's, and threw it into the tube where it got sucked into the weather factory. "Just don't make any more messes. Now go do your job!" Sigils commanded.

"Alright..." Biffle groaned.

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