23: A Year of Change

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The two advisors exchanged glances, then turned their eyes towards the pile of hands. They nodded, placed their hands together, and pressed the button. Out emerged a new core orb, unlike any seen before. This orb shimmered with hues of yellow, blue, green, red, and two entirely new colors: purple and black. It descended to the floor, rolled to the Core Orb pedestal, and emitted a radiant beam of light towards the weather world. This beam created a brand new Regulated Island outside, mirroring the original island but adorned with the angelic advisors' unique decorations.

The friends stood in awe at the sight of the new mixed orb, observing side by side. This remarkable event strengthened their bond, transforming them into a more cohesive team.

A year had passed since this monumental change. The Core Orbs now included new orbs representing two additional weather phenomena. Outside the Headquarters, the original islands were not only restored but also accompanied by new ones, including islands made by Kate and Loaf. Although they didn't own these islands, their presence marked a significant expansion. Additionally, Henwy's health had notably improved.

"Hey, I'm really enjoying this new view," Nico remarked.

"Earthly Sun Island has expanded. I'm glad they finally opened that sunbathing section," Sigils said with a smile.

"I like Kate's Island. Kaleidoscopic Rainbow Island sounds so nice," Biffle commented.

"Thundered Lightning Island? Everyone, shut up! That's my favorite since it goes so well with the rain!" Nico added with enthusiasm.

"No one owns those islands. Kate and Loaf can't control them. Hopefully, that's just a phase, and maybe someone will manage them soon," Biffle quipped.

"Say what you want, I think it's all beautiful," Henwy chimed in.

"Alright!" A familiar voice echoed through the room.

The friends turned to see SSundee and other workers standing by a new, larger console.

"There you go. Your new expanded console is up and running," SSundee announced.

The console lit up brightly. "Whoa! Thanks, Ian!"

"Also, if you're wondering why there are lines dividing it into four sections, it's because each of you has your own section to use. This way, you don't have to fight over the console like Nico did with the angelic advisors," SSundee explained.

"Oh, shut up, Ian," Nico snapped back playfully.

"That's pretty cool-" Biffle said, and accidentally leaned on the console. "BEEP!"

"Whoops, wait. Did I just do that?" Biffle asked, slightly embarrassed.

"How about the core?" Sigils asked. "Is it removed?"

"It disappeared after the newly Regulated Island was formed, so there won't be any malfunctions now." SSundee replied.

"What core?" Henwy asked, curious.

"It's a long story." Biffle quipped.

"Hey guys? What's 'atmospheric pressure'?" Nico asked, pointing at an alarm.

"I don't know. It's probably not important," Sigils shrugged.

"Whoa. This new console is the sh-" Henwy started to say, about to curse, when another 'BEEP!' interrupted him.

"Sorry. I did it again. My bad," Biffle apologized.

On the television, news reporter Jerome beamed with happiness. "After a year, the weather has stabilized! Sunny weather is expected in Africa, windy weather expected in the UK, and there will be some snow and rain in parts of the US!" Jerome reported enthusiastically.

Indeed, the team had been through a lot. But despite the challenges, they still loved their weather jobs. The weather had new friends, a great new headquarters, and everything seemed to be going well. The weather had truly changed for the better. What could happen?

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