21: Desperate Search

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"Biffle! Biffle?!" Sigils called out, sprinting down the wall of orbs, searching every block for his missing friend.

"C'mon, Biffle, where the hell are you?" SSundee muttered to himself, his frustration mounting.

"Okay, if I were Biffle, where would I be?" SSundee wondered aloud, trying to predict his friend's whereabouts.

Sigils, in an effort to channel Biffle's eccentric behavior, slumped to the ground, kicked a leg in the air, and mimicked Biffle's voice, "Ohhh... everything is awful, and my legs don't work. You have to drag me around while I touch the-"

His act was cut short as something caught his eye. He remembered Biffle's habit of touching random orbs and it turns blue. Following this hunch, Sigils and SSundee headed towards a secluded corner.

"Biffle?!" Sigils called out again. SSundee rounded a corner and spotted Biffle far down the next row. "Biffle!" he shouted. Biffle turned around, recognized SSundee, and then inexplicably turned back and ran away.

"Wait, Biffle!" Sigils called, giving chase.

"Just let me go! The weather is better off without me!" Biffle cried, continuing his escape.

"Come back!" SSundee pleaded.

Sigils and SSundee pursued Biffle down a corridor. Biffle toppled giant boxes in their path, but SSundee, the quicker of the two, grabbed Sigils's arm and used a bamboo stick to vault over the obstacles.

They searched for Biffle, who suddenly flew above them, drenching them both as he floated away on a rain cloud.

"What? Biffle!" SSundee shouted once more. "I only make everything worse!" Biffle cried, drifting away from Headquarters.

"Wait, Biffle! We've got to get you back to the-" Sigils called, but Biffle was too far gone. "Ugh." Sigils groaned.

He looked back at Frosted Flame Island, which was slowly crumbling, and tried to think of a way to return to Headquarters. And to bring Biffle back with him.

Back at Headquarters, Loaf and Nico were in a heated argument. Nico accused the advisors of sabotaging the weather console.

"You just want to make the weather worse; that's why you don't want to touch the console!" Nico accused.

"We're trying to help, not make things worse!" Loaf countered.

"Guys, stop fighting..." Kate said softly, tending to Henwy, who was now in tears from intense pain.

"I would love to help, but we don't want to make the weather worse, okay?!" Loaf insisted.

"It's worth a shot!" Nico pleaded.

"We don't want to risk making things worse! What if we break the console-" Loaf began, but was interrupted as the console started jeering.

Suddenly, a strange blackness spread over the console that controlled the weather.

"Oh no, what is THIS?!" Loaf exclaimed, panicked.

"How do we stop it?" Nico asked, equally panicked.

"I got it! Make the blackness annoyed!" Kate suggested.

"Brilliant!" Nico praised.

"I know it's brilliant, now do it!" Kate accepted the praise and demanded action.

Nico frantically pressed buttons on the console, but nothing worked.

"Ahhhh! Nothing's working! Why isn't it working?" Nico exclaimed.

"Let me try!" Loaf offered, gently pushing Nico aside and starting to push buttons himself. Kate also joined in, pounding on the console buttons.

"Now you want to help?!" Nico exclaimed.

"We've been trying to help you from the start!" Loaf stated.

"Great, you broke it!" Kate complained.

"No I didn't!" Loaf denied.

"Let me do it!" Nico demanded, and everyone started pushing each other away from the console. By now, the console was mostly black. No matter how many times they tried, they kept fighting.

Henwy, seated in the corner, realized the gravity of the situation.

"Stop fighting!" Henwy yelled with his last strength.

"Guys... we can't do anything." Henwy said, his voice filled with guilt.

"What have we done?"

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