Into the Vessel of Possibilities

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Oh dear God, he seduced her in a way no other had done before. And maybe, just maybe the alcohol added to the fire that rose deep within her - an unfamiliar one, but not at all unpleasant.

She was entranced, trying to keep his lascivious advances at bay as they sat in the back of the cab, heading to her place. Just this time, yes, this time she needed to try something new, something forbidden. If felt surreal.
Alice couldn't help but giggle in her drunk state, feeling felt his moustache tickle along her neck, and his delicate and purposeful hands all over her body. It was such a unique feeling, and an indescribably good as well.

"Oh cazzo di merda, bella", he huffed quietly against her ear, his hot, shaky breath sending tingling shivers down her spine. It was dark outside, so late at night, and they both smelled of red wine and smoked cigarettes.
The club they met each other at had been really, really crowded. Alice didn't go clubbing in ages. When she was younger, her parents always forbade her to go, no matter how much she begged. And now, as a young adult, she didn't dare going either, because she knew her parents would judge her still. She didn't want to disappoint them. Because they let her live in their house, with her own little flat upstairs. She couldn't be more thankful, could she?

But still, there she was, in the backseat of a cab making out with a stranger she just bumped into while dancing her heart out. Oh dear God, and he looked so good. He was charming, handsome, clad in a skin tight, black suit. And those eyes of his - those unreal, mismatched eyes. They caught hers in an instant. Alice didn't know why she invited him back home, but she felt that this, right now, was the perfect night, the perfect moment to have exactly that: a drunk make out session with a stranger double her age - on the way to her place. And since her parents were away for the weekend, she had no reason to say no, right?

The pair stumbled out of the cab rather sloppily. Alice was so drunk, she didn't even catch that the stranger payed for the ride, and he advanced her quickly again after he did. The look on his face was dripping carnal lust. He looked near menacing in the moonlight. It was a warm night, a beautiful one.

"Mmmh... bella", he then mouthed along her neck, holding her in a close embrace as he walked them backwards with purpose while they devoured each other. Her world was spinning. "Copia...", she whimpered as she felt his teeth graze her neck, and soon enough, Alice found herself pressed against a wall, presumably the one of her own house. Copia. That was his name. Such a unique name.

Suddenly, she felt his hot lips against hers again, kissing her urgently while he cradled her delicate head first before he went to tug on the collar of her dress. She shivered against the feeling, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him even closer. What was going on with her? Copia's lips were soft and plump, and tasted like cigarettes and wine. For some reason, the taste was intoxicating, desirable, even. She wanted more.

She felt his tongue probe at her bottom lip, and she opened herself rather awkwardly for him, stumbling a bit against the dizziness. She felt him smirk against her. His groans fuelled something she'd never felt this intensely before, the vibrations against her body added to the feeling of her wanting more of him - needing more of him.

They kissed on and on sloppily for a while, stumbling along the wall of her house towards where they both assumed would be the front door, entangled in each other in such neediness it almost hurt.

"Fuck, bella", Copia growled against her lips when he pushed his hips against her involuntarily, "fuck.. sh.. show me... mmhh". He hissed when he felt his erection tighten in his pants. Her little whimpers didn't help to calm him down. Oh Lord of fuck, she was gorgeous.
"Show... me... hmmm... your... b... bedroom, eh?". The stranger's voice was demanding yet desperate, and shaky with anticipation. He really, really wanted her.

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