when the Intents remain obscure

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"And you didn't fuck her that night?! Whoa, what's wrong with you? You could've made her yours right then and there", Terzo giggled incredulously. They sat at the dinner table together. He sipped on his glass of red, smirking at his younger brother with a hint of mischief. "Come on, once you're drunk, you start humping fucking desks, eh?".

Copia rolled his eyes in annoyance, swirling his own glass of wine around. He let out a sigh. "For Satan's sake, Terzo!", he growled, "that was one time. One fucking time. And besides, she was passed out. Do you really think I would've raped her over there?! Are you kidding me?!". He glared at his brother. Terzo was be a pain in the ass sometimes.

There was silence for a moment. Copia hoped the bickering was over now, but then his brother opened his mouth again. "Remember when I said we sacrifice virgins?", Terzo joked, totally unaffected by Copia's even more seething eye roll then, "yeah... and we fuck them!".

The Cardinal couldn't help it. He facepalmed and shook his head. Terzo was insufferable when he was tipsy. What a... "you're... ugh", he spared the name calling, "I didn't know that fucking virgins equals raping them, stronzo. Think before you speak!". With that, Copia downed his glass and put it down on the table. He stood up, staring at his brother. "Watch your head, Emeritus, and your mouth", he warned, and then he got up. Ready to leave.

"Ah, come ooon, fratello! It is a joke, eh? Just a joke", Terzo snickered. Copia sighed - again. Putting his hands on the table, he then looked at him sternly. "Listen here you-", he closed his eyes for a moment, "sometimes, things just take their time. Not everything works out in your goddamn hush hush way, I mean look at Secondo, he was partying all the fucking time and never got what he wanted, what he should've gotten in the end... and you...". Copia soffed. "And you are not any better! You never focus on what's important! Oh, and... jokes usually have a punchline. Try again next time, stronzo".

Terzo just looked at him. Then, he smirked. "I think my little brother has a crush", Terzo remarked cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows. Copia, however, has had enough. What a mor-.
No, he had to behave. He needed to focus. He closed his eyes and breathed out through his nose to calm himself before he got up to leave. There were more important things to attend to right in this moment. He turned, looking back at his brother for a last time before he spoke:"Thank you for this meaningful conversation, Terzo". Copia smiled at him every so sarcastically and then, he walked off.

Copia was happy to leave. He still had some work to do in his office, and when he walked by the hallway where Sister Esha had caught him the night before, he smirked for a moment. Encounters like those were common in the Ministry. Though Copia always rather kept to himself, well, at least more than his brother Terzo, he enjoyed the freedom they had there. Whenever he wanted, he could just snap his fingers and a Sister of Sin would be there for his service. It was nice to get off like this sometimes, but it surely lacked personality. Terzo was fine with this. All his brothers were. Except for him.

Instead of going back to his office, though, he spontaneously decided to walk back to his chambers instead. He needed to know what to wear on their date. He couldn't just wear anything. Surely not the white suit - this would be too much. He wished he looked more innocent in it, but hell no, not in this thing.

Copia stopped his tracks for a short moment.
The emergency kit. Going out like this, he couldn't forget about the emergency kit.



I know, I know. It's a short chapter. But I still hope you liked it. Let's see how the date is going to go!

Besides, I just wrote a very... interesting part for this story, and ugh... I cannot wait to share more!

Btw, the chapters are always posted on AO3 first!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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