Choke on sordid Mirth

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🔞beware! Here comes the Cardinal...🔞

Copia rushed back inside once he'd left the car. Finally, he thought, finally he could throw on some comfy clothes back in his chambers and call it a day. But fuck, Alice was so insanely hot. He couldn't stop thinking about her, and something about this girl being so innocent had him in a chokehold since the night they had made out. Her lips were way too soft, way too delicious to forget about.

He scurried back inside the Ministry, and the usually so crowded halls were empty and quiet by then. It was late, and most Sisters of Sin already relaxed in their own little rooms, enjoying the night's solace. Copia briskly walked through the dimly lit main hall back to his chambers. He had so many feelings right now. He was thankful for Alice's hospitality, he was happy that they'd now agreed on what he'd define as a date - and he was also very enraptured by her beauty. If he had the chance, he would've fucked her thoroughly right then and there on her soft couch.

Copia kept on walking, muttering things to himself as his still lightly damp cassock swished right above the ground. He really needed to finally get back inside his chambers, he had some business to attend there still.
It took him a moment, but suddenly the Cardinal heard something behind him. He stopped his tracks to listen. Was that a whistle? No. Huh?

"Cardinal", he then heard a whispery shout, "pssst, over here!". Copia looked left. In one of the little side hallways, he noticed a motion. He gasped when he saw one of the sisters hiding there. Copia squinted. What the fuck?
"Come over here, please!!", the whisper was urgent, and he had yet to find out what the errant sister was doing out and about at that time of night. He turned around quickly, walking towards her with long, purposeful strides.

"Sister Esha, what in the hell are you doing here?!", Copia snarled sternly, but he made sure to keep quiet, "you're supposed to be in your chambers by now, it's well past curfew!". Esha suddenly pulled him into the abandoned hallway and pressed him against the wall in the darkness, his hands clutched to his robes. Copia breathed out a huff of surprise and raised his hands in defence.
"What do you think you're doing, huh?", he spat at her, but she had already begun to frantically work his buttons.

"I was hungry, Cardinale", she purred into his ear, daring to touch the shell just lightly with her soft lips for a moment, "and I saw you entering the Ministry when I made my way to the kitchens". One of her hands was now trailing down to palm him, and he hissed. "Thought I'd satiate my hunger in a different way tonight...".

"Oh cazzo di merda", Copia groaned through gritted teeth, his head falling back against the wall while she skilfully rubbed him through his cassock. He was hard already, of course, it was inevitable. His eyes rolled back, and he decided to just go with the moment. He needed to get off anyways. And Esha gasped in surprise when she found him this bricked already.
"So hard for me already, huh?", she teased huskily, but Copia just tightened his jaw, not answering her.

Because once Copia realised that Esha was starting to get down on her knees, he focused on her again. "Hungry, eh?", he growled down at her with a crooked smile on his face. He looked menacing in the low light.
"Can you take that much?", he snarled, and before she could react, he'd slapped her across the face, almost yanking her over to fall on the floor. She shrieked, and it sent a bolt of arousal right down to his cock. Ugh, how he loved hearing those sluts screeching like this. And how he knew that she loved it. Esha was insane, but so was he.

She got up again, smiling. What a fucking brat. "Let me show you, Cardinale". That's when she found leverage on his thighs, slowly working her way up again. Esha kissed his cassock, moaning and humming against the damp material. She just wouldn't fucking move.

Copia's had enough. He was seething with arousal. "Cazzo, hurry up you fucking useless whore, it ain't gonna suck itself", he spat out, fumbling with his clothes himself now. Copia freed his cock, and gave himself some urgent and needy strokes before he grabbed her hair hard.
Letting go of his cock for a moment, he opened her jaw and prompted her to stick her tongue out. They way she sat there, so compliant, it made him let out a dangerous, low rumble deep down in his chest. The Cardinal grabbed his dick again, and decided to tap it on her tongue for a few times. What a delicious sight that was, her mouth watering for him. This was pavlovian. Copia couldn't help but smile to himself. Oh how he loved the view.
But soon, the impatience overran him.

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