Moving Forward: A New Beginning

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The journey of healing from toxic love

is indeed tougher than it looks.

Sometimes, I find myself wondering,

"Who is the real narcissist here?"

When I finally realized the truth,

it felt like I was on the brink of insanity.

Years passed by swiftly as I was

consumed by thoughts of him,

while he seemed content in his new life.

I counted the days

as if I were on my deathbed,

while he continued living his life.

Despite only knowing him for

a few months, I wasted a decade

waiting for the love he initially showed.

It was then I promised myself that

I should not let past regrets define

my years of memories!

I should make sure that

when I look back one day,

I have something special to tell

about each year!

I decided to collect my new memories

as if I mean it.

I decided to live my life like

the survivor I am!

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