13. Teen

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The way back seemed way shorter and they reached the end of the corniferous forest very quickly. For a moment the boy thought they had taken a different route and came out at the wrong side, but then he realised that they had come out exactly where they had entered, he could even seee where he had slept the night before.

After discussing it, they decided that the boy would go into the village they had avoided before to look for clues for Cybele. He would go alone, but Kyrell would fly above the village and keep an eye on him. Asha would wander around it and wait on the other side.

Hopefully he would get some answers about the disappearance of the witch. He would also buy some food and water because their supplies wouldn't last till home.

As he wandered between the buildings, keeping in the shadows they cast, he looked around carefully. There weren't many people around, some children playing on the street with a ball, two elderly people stitting and observing the children and a few people crossing them and greeting friendly.

Nobody took notice of him, they weren't even looking his way. He debated between avoiding them completely or going to them and asking directly.

As a little kid kicked their ball in his direction and chased after it, he knew what to do. Kids always told the truth if asked directly or at least you would notice them lying easily and even though he didn't look it, he was good with kids.

So he stopped the ball before he could roll any further, still keeping in the shadows so that the two elderly people couldn't spot him easily. They would surely chase him away if they thought that he could be a threat to the child.

"Hello, little guy. Here's your ball", he said in a friendly soft tone as to not scare him. The little boy, he could be only six at most, stopped a few steps before him, staring at him.

He gave the ball a little push so that he rolled directly to the boys feet. The other wanted to grab it and would then run away, he was sure, but before that, he asked: "Wait a moment. I have a question for you. Can you answer it?"

After a few seconds, the child nodded. "Good. Have you seen a red haired woman coming through in the last few days, maybe a week ago? Me and my friends are looking for her. Do you know anything?"

"You mean the witch?", the little boy gasped, "are you a witch hunter too?"

It had been strange enough that the fisherman had called Cybele a witch even though they hadn't mentioned it. Of course the little boy could just repeat what an adult had said, but it was a strange coincidance if that was the case. And what did he mean with witch hunter?

"No, I'm not. I'm looking for her, because I need something of her. It's really important. Can you help me?"

The child seemed to be really proad that he needed his help, his eyes began to sparkle and a bright smile appeared on his face. "If it's that important then I can help you! And you are very lucky, in a few days the witch would be gone anyway and after that you wouldn't be able to get the thing you need from her."

Gone? What did he mean that the witch would be gone? Did she stay in this village and would leave in a few days or...?

Before he could ask more, someone called the little boy. "I can't help you right now though. We'll meet each other again at sunset", he said, turning around and waving at him, the ball in his other hand.

He had no choice but to agree, there was nothing he could do. He had to come again even if the little boy forgot about his promise. It was the best lead they had.

One look at the sky indicated that it was midday, there were still a few hours left until sunrise. He tried to find a way outside the village while remembering the way back for later.


"So, you think, the witch the boy talked about is Cybele?", asked Kyrell with a hopeful look in his eyes. "And he can show us were she is?"

He nodded. Asha and Kyrell seemed so happy to finally have a real lead, but he couldn't tell them about the other thing the little boy had mentioned. A witch hunter. He didn't want to worry them even more.

Both of them wanted to accompany him and he didn't even try to dissuade them, he knew that he wouldn't stand a chance. Nothing could stop them from looking for Cybele. Their bond was really strong, he could only envy it.

Just before sunset he walked the way back alongside Asha, Kyrell flew above them. One time he took a wrong turn, but realised it soon after, so they had to walk back, but they reached the building where he had met the little boy just as the sun touched the horizon.

Nobody was there, the streets were completely empty and he thought that the child had already forgotten him or couldn't sneak outside. But then he saw movement on the other side of the street and the little boy appeared, running in his direction.

"Hello, are you there?", he whispered into the shadowy alley. He hadn't even seen him yet. For a second he thought that his curse was gone for some reason before remembering that it didn't seem to work on children.

He took a few steps away from the wall he leaned on and heard a soft gasp leave the little boy's lungs as he seemingly appeared before him like a shadow in the light.

Then Asha appeared next to him and the little boy let out an adorable sound. "Aww, a kitty!" He immediately knelt down and reached for Asha, who let out a soft hiss. The littly boy retreated, looking quite sad.

Asha seemed to change her mind, letting out a purr and pumping her head against his knee. A big smile appeared on the child's face again and he happily stroked Asha on the head. There was no doubt that she didn't really like that, but she kept purring.


chapter: 1060 words
in total: 14.105 words

Yes, there are more or less a lot of "exceptions" to his curse, but I didn't want to change it again. ^^"

The tension is rising (hopefully).

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