18. Teen

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This night he slept without dreaming anything. Maybe it was because he had already remembered everything he needed to or because he could finally let go of his old family because he had found a new one. He didn't know, but he felt refreshed after a few hours of peaceful sleep. When he fell asleep, lying on his side, he had felt Asha's warmth against his belly and Kyrell on top of him on his waist.

Asha was aready awake, when he woke, Cybele's bed was empty, but Kyrell still slept on top of him, so he couldn't move without waking him. Meanwhile Asha sat at the end of his bed, cleaning herself. She seemed to feel him looking at her, because a heartbeat later she stopped and wished him a good morning without even looking at him, giving him almost an heart attack.

Before he could say anything in return, he felt Kyrell change his position and stretching his wings. Now they were all awake.

"Come", Asha meowed, jumped from the bed and walked outside. He waited till Kyrell hopped off him and on the side of the bed.

"Bossy in the morning", the crow croaked amused, shaking himself from head to tail feathers. "Are you coming? We don't want to let the others wait."

While Kyrell flew from the bed directly outside, he hurried after him. Cybele and the other witches were already sitting on the tree logs around the fire, a big pot with soup bubbling on top of it.

Just as he reached them, Dhana stretched out a bowl with soup to him and he gladly took it. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he knew that they would need all the strengh they had for their plan.

They still hadn't decided on what to do exactly, but they would hopefully very soon. One thing they all agreed on, violence wasn't the answer. As much as they all hated the witch hunter that was the reason behind their suffering, if they hurt or even killed him, they wouldn't be able to convince the villagers that they didn't need to fear witches.

Of course they could fight the witch hunter without the village noticing it, but the chances for that weren't very high. The villagers needed to believe witches to be harmless and that they could live peacefully alongside each other. That was their ultimate goal.

But how where they supposed to do that? That was the difficult part.

They were all lured into the village by the thought of wanting to help. If someone really needed help and they could provide it, maybe they could convince some of the villagers. They could treat the ill or injured, that would gain them some trust, but what if nobody needed help?

Cybele only really knew how to make simple potions and bake. She knew a lot about other stuff too, but she didn't spezialice in any of that and she didn't have all her spell books at her disposal.

Dhana as a white witch only knew how to use herbs for healing, but if that wasn't needed, it was useless. She also swore to never fight and also wasn't keen on leaving the clearing. It had been a very long time since she left the forest and had any contact with normal humans.

Merletta was a young and inexperienced witch, she didn't even have a familiar bond yet. It would have been her first witch meeting, if she hadn't been captured on the way.

Astoria was a divination witch. She could read your cards to predict your future and other things that could maybe help them if she had them, but her cards had been taken away too. Otherwise she couldn't really do anything too.

Lunette was a moon witch, fitting for her name, but she didn't have any real power either. Both had left their familiars, a raven called Kerraelas and an owl named Twila, behind at their coven.

They decided that he would gather more information first. First, they needed to know where their belongings were kept, then why the village started capturing witches.


chapter: 687 words
in total: 20.251 words

I've finally reached the 20K milestone, yay! ;D

But the story is far from finished, like you probably already realised. There are a few more chapters to go. ^^

I hope I can keept you (and the jury) interested enough. ; )

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