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Name of the book: A Little Life 

Author: Hanya Yanagihara 

Of course this would be the first book I speak of. 

If there was a God that looked after book characters, I hope the next little life you give them is better. 

This masterpiece of a book shifted me on an alchemical level. I was not the same person after I finished it, I know a lot of people ditch this book mainly because of the trigger warnings and the fact that so many people come at them and tell them that it's word porn and very, very disturbing. 

It is. 

I am not going to lie, however you can look at it in two ways- that one, it's just a piece of fiction and two whatever described in the book is in fact the reality of so many people. I was very apprehensive to even begin the book, not because I read trigger warnings- god, no. I don't do that. I just saw a video on pinterest of this girl saying that it's been a year and she still thinks about this book. I read this book three summers ago, and I think about it every day. To the point where my family thinks, I secretly read it a few times during the day. 

"Describe the book in one line?", Oh well, a book about the friendship of four college friends throughout the course of their lives. So simple, yet so beautifully haunting. I can never get over this book, my entire being has shifted because of this. This book has set such a high literary standard for me that books like "Song of Achilles" (which i will talk about in coming parts) don't come close. The graph is too high for me. Also, thanks to this book, i now have a new favourite genre- Emotionally Disruptive Books. *insert picture of me ugly crying after reading this book*. 

It took me almost a week to finish this book (longest i've taken to finish one) and after the magic of the storm these seven hundred and twenty pages riled up in me, I couldn't even shed a tear at the ending. I remember so vividly that my hands were shaking and I could not cry. I was blown, I ascended to another level of consciousness during the last ten pages of the book. It's like, I held on to the very last thread of hope and then there I was when "it" finally happened- shaking miserably and unable to gauge sense of reality anymore, then I went to bed and left the book in a corner for seven days without even looking at it. After those seven days had passed, I finally picked up the book and read the last part which is when i truly cried, cried for myself and for the people in the book. Somehow, achingly and suddenly, things weren't the same anymore. 

A little critical moment: Everyone who says that the book is not worth the read also happen to be ones who cry at books like "It Ends With Us" by Collen Hover. And it shows. Not trying to desensitise the matters dealt with in the book but all I am saying is it could have been expressed in much better ways. (: 

To be very honest with all my beautiful readers, I have tried reading the book three times since and even tried reading once with sticky notes and my highlighters; I failed all three times, I haven't been able to read it again. To the point where I don't even try to read it again anymore but I do not stop suggesting it to everyone around me though. 

Everyone who wants to experience life from a perspective they haven't yet should read this book. You will realise so many things. Too beautiful. 

Favourite Line: "It isn't that he died, or how he died- but what he died believing; because in everything I see, I see him." 

Ratings: 11 tissue boxes/10 tissue boxes.


A/N: Let me know what you guys think about the book if you've read it. Also, comment down below which colour's shade range do you think I am going with for the first ten books I review?  

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