Dovebunnies vs. DigDigs Part 1

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An echoing crowd besets six Mixels on all ends, from the confines of yellowish orange bleachers. A green grassy field with white stripes and two goals on either end are surrounded by a bowl-shaped stadium. The Xtreme Spahtz are met with the friendly faces of their Cragster opponents. The tribal leaders, Wasket and Krader, shake hands, "Good game! We have! You dig?" Wasket grins determinedly, "Wasket dig! Wasket dig!"

The two teams play paper, rock, scissors to randomize member placement. As they head to the designated field areas, a boulder is chucked from a catapult and into the center of the field.

"Are you ready teams??," the ref Toots says as he begins to count down,

The Dovebunnies burst into action, zig-zagging around the field to disorient the Cragsters. However, this proves an unfortunate strategy as the DigDigs... dig! "GET UNDER IT!," Krader shouts, Seismo erupting and kicking the rockball towards the goal, scoring the first of their necessary three points, "ME DID IT!!"

Next round, before the Cragsters can even touch a blade of grass, Bawllz speedily rushed in a straight line! "BAWLLZ... GET... ROCKBALL!!!!!," she says, slamming the field with Big John's mighty cubitball rotundness, causing the rockball to soar into the sky and past the opposing goal. "BAWLLZ SHOOT! BAWLLZ SCORE!!!"

Krader cries, "YOU BURNT ME SOUTH!!!," showing said behind charred from Bawllz's immense speed.

The crowd continues going wild as the third round begins, Shootz being sure to use Bawllz's idea and shoot a flurry of murpballs to long-rangedly launch the rockball forward. "Owie!," says a crushed Shuff as the rockball bounces off his crystal-mounted head. Next round, Shuff mixes with Seismo, an earthquake causing a tough mix that defends the ball to form, allowing Krader to smack it into... Wasket's hand!?

That's right, Wasket now has the ball, "HEY! SHOOTZ!," she says, offering a rainbow cubit. An unfortunate run-in with Krader causes a giant ball to crush the two, being dribbled into a rocky ball-shaped murp! The murp inexplicably sets itself on fire, running around and into some nearby punch as the Shuff/Seismo mix gets another goal, "ALMOST WINNER!!"

The final round is about to begin, the two tribes huddling together for a final plan. The Cragsters huddle together. "Anyone have rock-solid plan?," Seismo asks. Krader thinks for a moment before Shuff pipes in, waving around a grey/black cubit, "Ooh! Ooh! Me have rockin' solid plan!!"

Meanwhile the Xtreme Spahts huddle, thinking silently as they tend to do, at least until Bawllz pipes in, "Bawllz have extreme idea! Extreme!," she says, pulling out an orange/medium blue cubit.

As the two teams finalize their readiness for a final showdown, Wasket has a last minute idea to use a more efficient disorientation approach. She gives a sly grin to the others as they roll their eyes. No way. Wasket would never, right?

The crowd is now going especially wild, the Radikoolz using a bunch of cubits to change maxes and continue wildly cheering.

As the DigDigs reach for the cubit, the Dovebunnies simply grab out a radio. "Wasket loves... DANCING!!!," she says, popping in her tribe's favorite tune. The Dovebunnies dance, confusing the Cragsters max, who doesn't notice Bawllz carrying a cubit. Wasket continues dancing, keeping the max's attention as Bawllz and Shootz grab a cubit. A hoop scoops the two, scrambling them within and dropping a powerful mix!

The roller-skate wielding mix uses it's lanky arm to speedily grab the rockball and score a goal, the Cragsters noticing too late, "NOOO!! We not winner!!" In the end, the two tribes shake hands, having had fun.

The End

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