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OST #15 checks their old MixTube channel, reminiscing on the good ol' days. A time of innocence.

Cat Scot follows behind silently, trying not to alert OST #15 due to the events from a few days ago. OST #15 grabs a VHS tape, finally ready to show Cat Scot their backstory... and themselves the same backstory. For it had forgotten.

*** *** ***

A young and starry-eyed Mixel known as Otto is recording in a soft voice, "Hello my friends and more friends! Welcome to Otto's Story Tellz, otherwise known as @OST15!

"Today, we'll be reading a story titled; 'The Long Lost Mixamajig'! It all starts wit- AUGH!" Otto falls to the ground, mixing essence oozing out of their face, "What's... HAPPENING to me-Hee hee?" Unbeknownst to Otto, the book was cursed with a possession spell in an attempt to keep a deep evil sealed... aka Schnix. After this video was uploaded against Otto's will... well... the possession reversed and-

"CANCELLED!?," Otto shouts, "B-but that- // Hurts..."

" SO MUCH // Pain. Pain. Pain.

*** *** ***

OST #15's screen is leaky. Cat Scot tastes the dripping water, soon hugging after, "It's ok buddy." Cat Scot cries too.

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 3Where stories live. Discover now