Chaper Seven

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"Hot fire fighter dude?" Hannah asked her sister.

Hannah's mouth was on the floor when Harper called.

"Yeah, hot fire fighter dude."

"Harper!" Hannah half yelled into her phone. "What are you going to wear?!"

Harper laid in her bed, looking at her celling. However, she had the most ridiculous smile on her face.

"Well, I will be leaving work and going with him. I just figure I would wear my work clothes."

Hannah chuckled. "I'm just glad you're getting out there, Harper. Where is your date taking you?"

"It's not a date." Harper clarified. "We're going as friend."

"Right, friends." Hannah said suspiciously.

"I'm serious, Hannah. We have both been through a lot. We don't know what we want from this just yet."

"I'll rephrase," Hannah began, "I'm happy you are starting to spend time with people."

Harper signed, rolling to her side. She let her eyes trail across a picture of Jack she kept on her nightstand. It was a BBQ with his family. He was manning the grill. His eyes were deep brown and complimented his black skin. He had short hair in this picture. Harper's eyes began to tear up.

"Do you think I'm cheating on Jack?" She asked.

"Harper, we have talked about this. Jack is gone. He's not coming back."

Harper closed her eyes. "You're right, Hannah."

"Jack loved you a lot, Harper. He would want you to be happy."

"You're right, he would want me to be happy."

"It's late here, Harper. I am going to hop off. Enjoy your fire fighter tomorrow."

Harper giggled. "I am going to try my best."

Once the sisters hung up, Harper closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning went off without a hitch. Sheila was out today. Harper had gone to visit her at the hospital last night, she planned on returning to the office on Monday. The office was not busy on Fridays.

However, Harper watched the clock all day. She chose to wear a flowy purple dress. It hit just at her knees, and the material was a satin. She chose a black pair of heels. She had even put extra time into her makeup this morning.

"You look good today." A voice said, coming up behind her.

Harper glanced up to see Mariah. She was a tall woman in her early forties. Her hair was blonde, and eyes honey brown. She had a kind smile.

"Thank you." Harper smiled. "Are you done for the day?"

Harper had just been looking at the clock, she knew it was five.

"I am," Mariah said, "I just wanted to let you know to lock up on your way out."

Harper nodded, "I will do it."

Just thirty more minutes until Buck showed up. She waited nervously. At 5:30 she turned her computer off and grabbed her purse from the drawer beside her desk.

The elevator dinged and Buck stepped into the lobby. Harper's breath caught in her throat. He looked amazing. He was wearing dark jeans and a dark gray button up shirt. He was smiling at Harper. She looked and, in his hands, he had flowers. They were beautiful and bright pink.

"Wow Harper, you look..." Buck trailed off, trying to find the words to describe her appearance in that dress.

"You look the same." Harper smiled, "Are you ready?"

He nodded, passing the flowers to Harper. She followed closely behind him to the elevator. She could smell his cologne.

"You think this one is safe?" He asked as the elevator door closed.

Harper chuckled. "They actually give these elevators routine maintenance."

Buck led Harper to his car and opened the door for her. She stepped in trying to catch her breath.

"Where are we going?" She asked when he started driving.

"Some place you know!"

Harper had to admit, she was a little shocked when they pulled into their apartment complex.

"You didn't have to come get me Buck. I could have walked." She chuckled, getting out of his car, flowers still in hand.

"You look to lovely to be out walking alone." He smiled, walking beside her.

Harper wasn't a fool. She knew this was a date. A real, romantic date where a boy likes a girl. She was just so scared.

"Do you buy all your friends flowers?" She asked.

"Just the pretty ones."

Harper blushed. She didn't say anything until they were at the door of his apartment.

"Is your sister and her husband home?" Harper asked.

Opening the door, Buck shook his head. "They went out of town this weekend!"

Harper smiled, stepping into the apartment. Her breath hitched. It was immaculate. Candles were set up everywhere. The lighting was low. Buck had cooked a beautiful spread of dinner. This was exactly something Jack would have done. Her heart fell. Jack.

She turned to Buck with tears in her eyes. Of course, he looked concerned.

"Buck, I can't do this."

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"We're not fooling anyone, Buck. This isn't want friends do for friends. If anything, I don't want to be here as friend." Harper admitted.

"You don't have to be." Buck whispered, stepping towards her.

"Buck, I can't. I can't do this to Jack."

Buck sighed, looking to the floor.

"Harper, Jack isn't coming back just like Rebecca isn't coming back."

"What if it doesn't work?" She asked, looking up at him.

"What if it does?" Buck asked.

What if it did?

Harper started to cry, wiping tears from her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Buck. I can't take the chance." She dropped the flowers to the floor, leaving the apartment. She rushed down the hall to her apartment, opening and shutting the door.

Sliding down the door, Harper spent the rest of the evening crying into her knees. She was going to be messed up forever. She heard a soft knock at her door. She knew it was Buck.

"Go away, Buck." She spat.

"Not until you listen to me." He spoke from the other side.

Harper stood up, opening the door.

"Harper, I'm messed up too. Rebecca hurt me so bad. I understand where you are coming from. But, you can't live in the past forever. You deserve to be Happy. I am sure Jack would want you to be happy."

"Everyone has got to quit saying that!" Harper yelled.

Buck sighed, stepping into her apartment. Everything happened so quick. Buck grabbed her by her shoulders, holding her still. He looked deep in her eyes. Without thinking, he pressed his soft lips to hers. Fireworks went off through Harper's veins.

The kiss was quick. Buck stepped back, looking at her again.

"I like you, Harper. I want to know you more. I'm leaving the ball in your court. If you never want to speak to me again, just don't reach out. You know where I live and work. If you want this... if you want us.. let me know."

Then in one quick motion, she was alone in the apartment. She gently touched her lips. She had never felt more alive.

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