Chapter Three

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"What did you think about it?" Hannah asked Harper, taking a sip of her coffee.

Harper sat her cup down, looking at her sister. It was always so crazy to Harper how much they looked alike. They both had fire red hair and pale skin, with freckles along their cheeks and arms. However, Harper had sky blue eyes. Hannah's were a deep green.

"I liked it." Harper said honestly.

The sisters had been in LA for three days and had toured countless apartments. Harper always had something to say about them. One apartment didn't have enough outlets, one had too many, one had high stairs, one didn't have stairs. Harper knew she was being difficult. She knew it was her heart pulling her back to Seattle. However, she knew it was time for a change too. She was also tired of living out of a hotel.

"I did too." Hannah went on. "I liked the owner."

"He was really kind."

"It's also nice to know two firefighters live in the building!"

Harper chuckled. "It would help me sleep better at night."

Hannah leaned in, smiling. "That one who past was awful cute."

Harper wasn't blind. He was absolutely breath taking. His eyes had a touch of sweetness. His smile was kind. She also noticed the roll of muscles on his arms.

"I didn't notice." Harper lied, sipping her coffee again.

"Is that the place you want?" Hannah asked.

Harper nodded. "I think it is. I really liked it. The location is very close to the therapy office too."

"When do you start there by the way?"

Harper shrugged. "Mike just told me to find a place and get moved in then call him."

"I was going to ask what are you going to do about furniture? You only brought some clothes and books."

Harper had not thought that far.

"Are you up for some more shopping?"

Hannah chuckled. "I have another couple days before I have to fly back. Why don't we go sign for the apartment, then head to the nearest furniture store?"

Harper checked the apple watch on her wrist. It was 2:20. She stood up and threw a tip on the table.

"Let's go!' She exclaimed.

The girls walked a few blocks to the apartment complex. It only took an hour before Harper had the keys. She had paid the deposit and first three months' rent in advance. The furniture store took the longest. Harper picked out a basic queen size bed and bought the comforter and sheets at the furniture store. She also bought a couch, coffee table, nightstands, a tv, and tv stand. Everything would be delivered the day Hannah left. This meant two more nights in the hotel.

"I will still drive you to the airport." Harper said, walking with her sister. Their arms were linked. The sun had set many hours ago. It was pitch black outside.

"I know you will." Hannah smiled.

The girls decided to order out for dinner. After they had showered and ate dinner, they were tucked in their beds before Hannah spoke. Harper was on her side, with her back towards Hannah.

"Harp?" She asked.

Harper turned to face her sister. She was like a burrito in her blanket. Harper smiled. "What's up?"

"I am seeing someone." Hannah spoke.

Harper quickly sat up, sitting in the middle of her bed.

"How come you didn't tell me earlier?" Harper asked, a smile spreading across her face.

Hannah repeated her sister's motions. "I just felt so selfish. I know with everything that happened to Jack, and I didn't want to make things worse."

Harper's face fell at the sound of his name.

"Hannah.. I am so happy for you, and I want to know everything about him."

Hannah went into the story about the kind IT man who worked at her hospital. He had helped her with her computer. Hannah couldn't get him out of her mind. She saw him out at the grocery store. He asked her out. That was seven months ago. She loved him but was afraid to say it.

"Never be afraid to say that Hannah. Love is so precious and rare."

Hannah smiled. "I will tell him when I get back."

Hannah and Harper spent the rest of the night talking about their parents. Harper hated that she still lived back home. However, Hannah loved it. Hannah felt such peace living in the hills of Eastern Kentucky. She also felt connected to her parents more. Hannah wishes Harper would visit more often. The girls talked until they both fell asleep.

Just before Harper fell asleep, she let her mind wonder back to the handsome firefighter in the doorway. She had no idea how much he was going to change her life.

Life After You - Evan Buckley [9-1-1] COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now