001 ; home, yay (very sarcastic) ☆

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❝ taking what's not yours - tv girl ❞

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SEE, EASTON RHODES had thought taking his younger sister to a concert would be a great bonding experience.

he was sorely mistaken.

easton had never really wanted much to do with his siblings if he was being honest– a spite built on the codependency that his father's own family had wrought; calling mr. rhodes up at every small inconvenience. little jim's truck needs to be fixed, jane wants to go to france, we're family, you can't ignore us!

perhaps that made him an asshole, but as the eldest, if he made his way in life, he really didn't fancy being knocked down a notch by blood relations. but either way at age twenty four, he begrudgingly paid a visit home. being from the wonderful land known as america, but studying history in italy meant that he could make visits spry and few inbetween– but the end of his exchange experience meant that his family was the only place he could return to, much like a homing pigeon.

he told himself it'd be a brief stay, till he could get the tenants out of the apartment he had rented out while he'd been vacating the country. that didn't mean he was spared from standing in front of his childhood home in the suburbs, hyping himself up, though.

he had three siblings, twenty year old wren, eighteen year old isaiah, and the youngest, his fifteen year old sister, maeve. his relationships with them were...amiable, but he was only really close to wren, because she was somewhat less annoying that isaiah (who seemed to think that peak comedy was drawing mustaches on the cats printed on his phonecase– only three were spared so far). easton and maeve however, they might as well have been from different solar systems. he was a normal lad, while she was an alien with black eyeliner and airpods.

"look, sweetheart," his mother had said as she fussed over the collar of his shirt, a pensive expression on her face. "at least try to get along with maeve, alright? she means well, she's just a bit...hostile, at the moment."

jesus christ, hostile was an understatement. maeve rhodes, kudos to a tiktok addiction and an unfiltered spotify account, was very, very deep in her teenage angst era. when easton had tried to say hi to her upon his arrival, he'd earned a door slammed in his face. if the point of his nose had been any sharper, it probably would have been sporting a little smidge of bruising.

"hostile? why?" easton asked, his eyebrows raising, as if he hadn't noticed it from the get-go.

"we told her she had to break up with her boyfriend because her grades were spiraling. he was a bit of a distraction." his mother noted, wincing slightly at the controlling implication of her words, it wasn't as if it had been an applicable rule when easton had been growing up, he'd frankly gotten with whoever he wanted when he was in his highschool menace phase.

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