003 ; obsessed (like the song) ☆

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❝ material girl - madonna ❞

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EASTON RHODES felt rather called out.

"why the hell are you on your phone all the time?" maeve demanded, forcing him to look up from the sandwich he was (impressively) cultivating with his free hand. well, it was kind of hypocritical of her to point it out, when her screentime was probably worse.

easton had never exactly been the one to pour over messages like a manuscript, but these past two weeks his screentime had spiked momentously. his recent chats consisted of marlene, ashby mintz, a few other college friends he'd somehow gained, and most importantly, sirius fucking black.

the thing was, easton was no stranger to the casual dating scene—getting to know someone, going out, getting attached, and eventually exchanging possessions—standard fare, really. so, the aimless flirting he'd been guiltily indulging in didn't overly concern him.

he and sirius had met up once after the whole concert meet-cute to go get drinks, which had gone relatively well, and they had progressed to the 'daily texting and insults' phase...which by modern day standards, meant things were going quite well.

people fascinated him. for that matter, easton was rather easy to please to be blunt; but sirius black seemed to have ascended to a whole other level of his interest. he was somewhat vulgar, snarky, overtly flirtatious and looked like a marble statue that had gotten rolled through hot topic; easton liked that. was it parasocial, if sirius was objectively a famous person? well, it wasn't like he didn't know him personally...but let's be honest, how much of what easton had been learning about him was a veneer?

"hello? earth to easton."

he was thinking too much into it. it was just a guy talking to a guy, no dramatic plots at play.

"jesus." easton snorted, taking the toast out of the toaster as he shot his younger sister a look of utter mystification. "who cares what i'm doing on my phone?"

"you're glued to that thing. who're you texting?" she pressed, and once again, easton was stuck with the question of whether he was this pushy as a teenager. he hoped not, because then getting punched by xander kaden in 8th grade would have been justified.

"no one. who says i'm even texting anyone?" he offered halfheartedly, glancing down at his phone screen.

i'm bored. wanna meet up? ;)

he shuddered slightly at sirius' choice of emoticon, before returning his attention to defending himself for being a phone addict.

"you're clearly typing. what else could you be cooking up, an ao3 fic?" maeve cooed, crossing her arms. the new week seemed to have replaced her ignorance of him back into a classic schedule of sibling harassment, which was probably worse than simple apathy. "i wouldn't be surprised if you have an anakin x reader floating around the internet somewhere. maybe a tumblr fan account."

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘 ; sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now