004 ; wikihow to date a rockstar ✮

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SIRIUS ORION BLACK was known for his...whoring around, as remus called it.

that was an essential part of his personality; he'd fuck around and find out– literally. the life of a rockstar was chaotic, sure, but he'd have his little indulgences to keep up with it all. perhaps fame would catch up with him one day, get in his head and all; but that day was not today, so he couldn't muster two shits about it.

especially since he had a date.

no one had actually clarified if it was a date or not of course, but he had decided it was on his own accord.

as a rockstar, god, it was a rarity to find anyone who was willing to humor you that wasn't prone to collapsing the moment they saw you (a common phenomena), and easton was blissfully clueless. it was adorable.

easton rhodes, sirius had found, could be flirtatious when he wanted to be, but held a slight bit of rationality that set him off like a firecracker. it was rather annoying when the lad you were trying to seduce over text would take all your blatant innuendos as jokes, rather than genuine offers.

> easton 💋💋

11:32 pm

come make out with me


he was forcing sirius to have to get to know him a bit more, which was both enjoyable, and equally mentally taxing. he was like a romantically starved 18th century widow.

yes, sure, they'd only met in person once, but for sirius, that was all he typically needed.

but he did suppose the media silence was of benefit.

the thing was, in this industry, your reputation was what defined you. to sirius, anything that distanced himself from his parents' legacy was a win.

the house of black was a renowned name; both due to his parents, and the fashion brand which was their namesake. their whole aesthetic was to be dark, brooding, and have a mix of cutting-edge minimalism and the most intricate of laces; which, sure, was objectively a staple of high end fashion, but it wasn't him.

he and his younger brother, regulus arcturus black, had been thrust into the limelight since their teen years, because where better to find employees to objectify for your monetary gain than inside the walls of your own home?

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