05. For the best.

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Chapter 5

Veronica Thorn

"So how do you find school?" Mother asked me one morning, I was quite startled to see her wake this early.

I didn't know if she was trying to get a raise out of me, she knew damn well I didn't like this place, nor the pampered school. not that I made an effort to try it. Crestwood High was exactly the kind of schools I despised

"Okay" I replied short hoping it'll put her off to ask me anything. I didn't want to have to a mother and daughter session.

And it was to damn early for any kind of conversation.

Last time I remembered she never woke before ten, saying something about her beauty sleep. That was when I was a child watching her wake up reeking from the alcohol the night before.

Though I hadn't been able to find a single of bottle in this house, nothing that indicated she still drank.

Which was a first.

"Mhm, it'll get better, I know the cheerleader squad are having their opening...you should join."

Seriously was my mother doing this at the crack of dawn? And freaking cheerleading? She was nuts.

"I'm not interested in joining any team" I grumbled getting up from the chair, suddenly school sounded much better than to sit and have a chit chat with her.

"It'll do great on your scholarship, not that it is most important. Outward beauty can shine and get you just as long"

That had my attention just as I was about to leave up for the stairs, the shopping, the conversations all of it made sense now. She didn't only want to ruin my life but control it in her fitting way, just like before when pageant's and stupid ballet was what she made me go to.

"I'll join the math team, since you care that much about my grades" The look on her face was priceless as I headed up to change clothes. My mood brightened. I'd just have to do everything my mother despised in order for her to give up and leave as she always do.

Maybe then I could be free quicker out of here.

Getting out the doors my phone rang, looking at the caller I decided to ignore.

It was Braden. After last week when he drove me home thanks to his fathers knowledge about the town, we exchanged numbers and dumbly I thought it was the last time I'd be hearing from him.

Despite enjoying the little time we spent I didn't think he'd texted me even though he said he would.

But he held his word, every morning he asked if I needed a ride and I always replied no. Thinking it'll make him stop.

The little glimpses I saw of him in school were small thankfully and since we went to different classes, chances where small we had to run into each other.

There was no point in making friends or trying to fit in when my only sole purpose was to get out, so I ignored the call and booked an Uber. The allowance I had was more than what I needed I didn't bother walking today.

Besides spending mothers dear money was my new favourite hobby, the cab pulled up to the school in front of the schools parking lot and I thanked him hoping out the car and walking towards the school.

"Hey Veronica!"

The voice had me frozen, looking behind me I saw Braden was heading towards me.


my luck was just fantastic today.

He scratched his neck standing now in front of me, again the odd hot feeling that made me feel sweaty and out of control came over me as he ran his hand through his messy and effortlessly good looking hair.

"You didn't answer my call... I thought—"

"Carter!" A bunch of football players were lotted in the parking lot howling his name.

"You should go," I jumped on the opportunity to leave.

"That can wait." His intense gaze didn't leave mine once, captivated I couldn't do nothing but stand still until he drew in a ragged breath, "I was about to ask you... we're playing today, you coming to the game?"

Game? Right the schools traditional game days, Friday every second week. The football team were playing to take home the tournament. I could care less about that, so to hear him ask me that was more than shocking.

Shrugging I hoped my tone was not giving me away, "I have plans."

His eyes dropped and a part of me felt like a bitch, he wasn't being a jerk. Any girl would leap at his invitation.

Yet I couldn't let myself be foolish enough to fall for his charm, it was better this way. He would give up and I would get on with my life.

And it wasn't as if he was lacking off admirers, I've seen the way heads turned just by his presence.

Thankfully the school clock rang and I moved from him, "I'll see you later" not particularly a lie there but I hoped the less the better.

Looking over my shoulder I saw his defeated stance and caught his eyes watching me, gulping I dragged my gaze back and forced my legs to move quicker.

It was for the best. Nothing good would come out of it.

I was in the third class, history and nearly had a successful sleep from Mrs Gilberts ranting about napoleon and what's so ever

"Your Veronica right?" a voice perched beside me, It was a girl I didn't know the name off.

I didn't do friends. Not that her stare gave me anything by.

At my silence she continued, "What's going on with you and Braden?"

Yeah I definitely didn't like noisy bitches. And this one seemed to come with four ears, "What is it to you?" I spoke and the shock on her face was visible before she concealed it with a sly smile, looking away.

And my regret of being a bitch to him before was gone, I knew I did the right thing. Guys like Braden Carter had girls lined up, and I would not become one of them. They'd flatter you with sweet words before crushing you harshly,

I already had one manipulating mother in my life, I didn't need another example.



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