23. Now you know.

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Braden Carter

"Dude, you've been studying?" Blake appeared beside me once I opened my locker, I smirked, "Get your own homework, freeloader"

Although I hadn't been studying that much I was lucky my grades were high above average. Veronica quite made her own mission to have me study yesterday despite me distracting her.

Blake snickered, "Fuck studying bro, I had other things that were far more educational," wiggling his brow as a cheerleader walked past, I smacked him on the head pushing my note papers on his chest, "Get your grades up. You want to sit on the bench? We need you in the games."

He laughed, "Sounding like Coach and all.. Look who changed tunes... It seems Veronica has magic powers, has she—"

I smacked his head again, "Want me to punch you?"

"Dude I know bro code, god damn it. I was about to ask if she has a sister or something.." he groaned lamely rubbing his scalp now.

We got in class and just as Mr Lincoln started rambling the door opened

"Right, we have a new student you guys, welcome in Carrick"

Head turned to the new guy who surveyed the room with no visible nervousness as one would think being new.

"Dude isn't that the guy that played for the Bears?.." Blake and some of my teammates in the class spoke, the guy was familiar, but then again we played against many teams to remember who was who.

The cocky air about him didn't surprise me if he played for the bears. Most of them were dickheads.

"Yeah, what the fuck is he doing here?" Ryan grumbled

"Let the guy breath, he's no one." I muttered, the guy sat down where Mr Lincoln told him to. The class continued and I was doing my best to focus, after all the finals were only days away but my mind where elsewhere.


The morning I awoke and didn't feel her beside me I was disappointed and worried.. That was until I saw her sitting there in my kitchen with my father as if it was an normal routine.. Seeing her there.

It did something to me.

Making her breakfast, watching her the first thing in the morning. I fucking wanted it badly. Imagined what that would feel like daily..

I wanted to tell her that right there and then but my throat clogged as I looked at her, the emotion so strong for words.

And yesterday when she called saying she missed me as if she could feel I wanted to be with her, thought about her all day but held myself back because she needed space to study.

Yet I could see something was on her mind. She spaced out more than once. And when I brought it up yesterday while we ate in Bills Burger, she only brushed it off. I didn't push but now I thought If I should've, would she have told me?.

"Dude get her out of your head,"

Blake's voice brought me out of my trance and the bastard grinned,

"Don't try deny it, it's too obvious."

Thankfully the class ended right in the moment and we were about to head for practice when the new guy strode up to us,

"So where is the infamous Crestwood locker room?.."

The guy was obviously an football player but he must've got lost for which team.

"Why? You practicing to join the cheer squad?" Blake retorted.

Before he could answer, Coach approached, "Ah, Richards, I see you've met my boys already."

Blake and I shared a look as Coach continued

"Carter and Samuels meet your new teammate, as you probably know he's played for the Bears and enrolled here now and since Ian's injury hasn't recovered, Carrick will be a great replacement," giving us a pat on the back coach nodded, "I want y'all in practice."

Letting his words stew we stood as he walked away.

Since the guy was now in our team there was no need to be a dick about it, all we needed to keep focus on was that fucking trophy,

Nodding I spoke, "Looks like your in,"

I didn't miss the arrogant lift of his brows but I didn't focus any further when a figure caught my attention

Veronica was making her way to her locker, as usual her beauty knocked me out. Today she wore a skirt leaving her long legs bare that I fucking loved but also felt like tearing out all the guys eyes that stared at her.

And I didn't fucking miss Mr New Guy looking extra long at her,

"Sheesh.. whose that hottie?"

"Wrong move dude," Blake's words came quicker, my chest burned with the need to rip his eyes off her

"Why?" The interest in his gaze made me grit out harshly, "She's taken. Keep your eyes from her if you don't want any problems, understood?"

He lifted his hands up, "Chill dude, I wouldn't have said anything if I knew she's yours.."

The fact that we had practice and I couldn't walk up to her fucking sucked, she didn't see me and I was glad for it because the murderous glare I sent Carrick,

"Now you know."

I watched him leave.

Blake threw his arm over my shoulder, laughing, "What happened to, let the guy breath?"

"So long as he fucking keeps his eyes on the track and off her" I bit out as Blake cackles, "Possessive bastard you are, well you've no doubt marked territory."

One last look at her I let him drag us to the locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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