06. Friend

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Chapter 6

Braden Carter

"Dude what the hell is up with you?" Blake called out once he came into locker room and i cursed. Of course he'd be the one to call me out.

Blake Samuels was my closest buddy since i could remember, the dude knew me and could see through my bullshit.

I was supposed to be fucking pumped up, head to Luke's house and party like everyone else since we won the game.

Instead I turned back into the locker room, immediately getting my phone out and like a fool waiting for the one call.. text.. anything from her.

like a fucking dork.

Because she never wrote, I didn't see her and despite her words I hoped she would turn up. Fuck if I knew why. I was crazy. She was making me insane.

Veronica Thorn. The most fascinating girl I've ever known, the moment I met her, I wanted her. And despite my attempts she seemed to do everything in her power to avoid me. And fuck if that didn't hurt.

I've never felt this way and it was driving me crazy.

Blake slapped my head, "You're loosing it, bro. I give it to you she's hot as fuck but—-" the asshole only laughed at my death glare, "Chill I like my chicks on the easy sides, what you should fucking be doing is take on of those the cheerleaders whose been having the hots for you for months now"

I was barely listening to him when I decided to hit call, Blake sighed deep, "What happened to my advice?"

The phone rang three times and I was sure she wouldn't answer, I was ready to get up and drown my disappoint in alcohol

Until she answered,

I was so surprised that her sweet tone shocked me, "Yeah?"


Blake mouthed, 'your whipped'

I flipped him off and put the phone to my ear, getting excited, maybe I could convince her to come to the party after all

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"Homework." Her reply made me snort, she was a terrible liar.

"On a Friday?"

"That's how I like to spend my time, getting things done"

"You were supposed to be my lucky charm today"

I could hear the smile in her voice, "Yeah? Considering you won I don't think my presence would've done much difference..."

At her proclamation I felt a pump of satisfaction that she knew about the game, "And how do you know we won when you didn't come?"

I grinned harder at the silence on the other line,

I enjoyed teasing her but what I wanted was to see her, "I'm
mad you didn't come, it was my attempt to show you the better side of this town"

She was silent for a moment that I thought she hang up on me,

"Why do you bother with me?" Her reply was quiet and unsure that I thought I didn't hear it at first,

but I knew what I wanted. It was not everyday I felt this way, normally football was the only thing I anticipated, the rush of next game and beating our rivals.

But fuck if this girl hasn't flipped my priorities.

And my heart was beating out of my chest, "Isn't it obvious? I like you."

"There's nothing to like about me, you could do better with the cheerleading squad" Her reply made me wonder how the hell we came to this conversation, "What has that to do with anything?"

Her sigh ran out, "It doesn't matter, you and me cannot work."

"Why the hell not" I didn't like to think that me and her didn't work, that day at bills burger, it was two fucking weeks ago but I was still set on her. I was intrigued about her, wanting to make her laugh and smile because when she did it was breathtaking.

All I saw was her and it frustrated me that she couldn't see it the same way.

Heck I don't date but I wasn't opposed to the idea when it came to her.

But then I sensed her retreat, she did it every time I tried to get close, she went ten feet backwards.

"How about we be friends then?" I spoke and fuck that was not what I wanted. But It was better than nothing.



"I'd like that."

I nodded to no one in particular, "Great, and friends don't ignore one's calls and texts"

"And friends don't persist when one's busy,"

"Only when one can tell it's bullshit"

Her laughter rang in my ear and I forgot all the bullshit feeling a sense of calm and ease only it seemed I could get from talking with her.

Fuck, I was officially a dork to think I could ever be alright with only being her friend.



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