20. Home

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Chapter 20

Braden Carter

"Dude, have you seen Veronica?" I asked Blake who stoped me, probably because I looked like a madman searching around the goddamn place

Veronica told me she was going to the bathroom but that was thirty minutes ago.

And considering she's never been here had me worried.

Fuck. I gripped my hair hard and Blake chuckled, the bastard, "Bro chill out, this is a party not a babysitting hour, why don't you let loose? We fucking won."

The words I'd been asked but despite how fucking soppy it sounded the only thing that calmed me was her, fuck where was she?.

"Just let me know if you've seen her," I muttered ready to search through the second floor when suddenly I stoped dead on my tracks,


There she was and it felt like the place had gone up several degrees, all I could see was her, dancing with no care, a cup in her hand as her long hair flipped and draped over her back, the jacket she wore was gone and now showing the tank top and tight jeans she wore.

I was in a trance watching her, that was until I saw it wasn't only me who found the view fucking sexy and hot. My hands clenched as I made my way.

Laying my claim and hands on her she flinched swirling around until she saw me, "Braden.." her whole face lit up, a beautiful smile stretching her face and that calmness just by looking at her came over me.

It drowned down the once rage inside me, "Baby, what are you doing?"

She giggled, "I— I wanted to dance... you found me," the glassiness in her eyes told me she was drunk, fuck, it was my responsibility to look after her.

"Veronica, how much have you drunk?"

Instead of answering she closed the space between us, her hands sneaking up around my neck as she pressed herself flush against me, I nearly groaned at the feeling of her. Her soft breasts brushed against me, she grasped my nape and dragged my head down, I couldn't deny her. Not of anything.

The speed my mouth came down on hers and how quickly the kiss escalated, making me forget where we were. I couldn't get enough of her. Her mouth, her insane body, the hot sounds she made, I could devour her. This girl was mine. And as she rubbed herself against me and nearly had me loose control before I realise we weren't alone

And I would be fucked if anyone saw her like this.

"Baby—- Veronica.." Ripping my lips from her I held her arms as she tried to drag me back, "Not here baby, your drunk."

"I'm not drunk" she snapped with anger in her voice, "I just took a few drinks like the rest, what's the big fucking deal?"

I watched the irritation from her, the way her eyebrows drew together in a frown.

Frustrated as well I sighed, "Why didn't you come to me?"

Damn if I sounded like some clingy pussy.

She's mine. I didn't like to think she drunk alone, seeing the way she barely could handle one shot had me worried.

"Fuck that— I want you..." she stood on her tip toes now and I nearly groaned as she nipped my throat, I grabbed her hips to hold her back, or more like hold myself back.

The need to have her was all to consuming and before I knew it I grasped her hand turning around as we got through the crowd, "Where are we going? The bedrooms are upstairs"

When she was this drunk and not herself? Fuck no. My body jumped at her words but my head was not. I wanted to know why she was gloomy and sad, had her drink that much.

I wanted to take care of her. I'd never felt protective before, so this feeling was new and startling.

I knew dad wouldn't be home until morning, which meant we had the whole night.

"We're going home,"

"No! No I don't want to go home," she whined and as we came out I turned to her, finding the pout on her lip adorable that I could refrain from kissing her, and like always, always she melted into me.

When I pulled away, her lips were still puckered making me laugh,

"I adore you baby and your coming home with me.."

"With you?"

"Mhm.." I gave her a last hard kiss before we headed towards the car. I squeezed her hand and helped her inside seeing she had far to much to consume.

It had me wondering what made her so reckless to drink that much and not finding me.

What if I hadn't found her?

Fuck I didn't want to think about that, the guys knew she was off limites but that didn't keep pricks from checking her out

I rounded to the driver seat and we took off, the way she went panicked off going home didn't go unnoticed by me as well.

Her revelation that she didn't get along with her mother was it the reason she panicked about going home? Or was it something else?

Damn it all.

I could just ask her, she was drunk and wasn't that when people was the most truthful?


Already looking at her I lifted her hand to my mouth, kissing her palm, the hand that she hurt herself left a scar that I found myself tracing over, "Yeah baby"

"Do— do you like me?" Her sweet voice, filled with uncertainty had my chest tighten.

If I liked her? Hell I was already long past that.

"Yeah baby, a hell lot."

Suddenly she stiffened making me look at her between the traffic and it surprised me as a tear trailed down her cheek, "Fuck— baby why are you crying?"

"You shouldn't..." she hiccuped, more tears, "Shouldn't like me,"

Torn between stopping the car and showing her how much I fucking liked her—- hell I loved her. This beautiful girl I've known only for two months. The way my whole day felt useless if she wasn't there, the way nothing could compare.

I was in love with her

Though I held myself from saying that since she was drunk and emotional, for what reason I didn't know. "Hey, don't cry, your killing me"

"I'm sorry..." she said sincerely.

Damn it. She was oblivious when drunk and I contained myself from smiling, "Baby I don't mean in literal sense, now come here." Parking the car finally I pushed off the belt, grabbing her to me and she fit perfectly. Exactly as she was.

Cupping her face so I had her full focus I spoke, "I like you Veronica. So much... more than you know.." tracing my thumb over her lower lip I felt her tense.

"You'd wish you didn't..." her voice cracked.

Before I could ask what she meant she crushed her lips on mine and the desperation in her kiss, her touches distracted me far more greater.



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