Part -2 loser is love winners.

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Sana came out from room and turns bumped on someone. He grab her by her waist so that she don't fall. Sana close her eyes that she is gonna fall but she didn't. She open her eyes and saw that earlier guy is grabbing her waist so that she can't fall.
Druv is looking at her how she close her eyes cutely and when she realizes she is not fall yet then she open her eyes and saw me with shocked face. How cute she is. I was just smiling like crazy. After watching my smile she hurriedly stand up so i have to take my hands back from her. No.... 😶😶. Why i always wanted to get close to her this girl is making me crazy like no one does before. No Druv control.

Sana : what are you doing here?
Druv : I think you should say thank you first that I save you from falling.
Sana : thank you. Now tell me what are you doing here.
Druv : I am here to meet bhabhi.

Walks to open door but Sana block my way by standing in front of me.

Druv : what ?
Sana : no you can't. Boys are not allowed here.
Druv : you don't tell me what to do.
Sana : I can tell you.
Druv : who are you to tell me.
Sana : I am your bhabhi's best friend.😏
Druv : oh... ok. (Walks to door again)
Sana : I said no. (Grab his hand)
Druv : (Looks at hands, sana realizes and remove her hand)
Sana : sorry.
Druv : its ok sweetheart. 😏
Sana : I am sana not sweetheart.
Druv : whatever.
Sana : you can't go inside. She will be angry on you.
Druv : don't worry i'll handle her. 😇😇
Sana : no. You can't go inside.
Druv : why are you stubborn sweetheart but i like it. (thinks). You are going somewhere.
Sana : yeah ishaan because of you I forgot.
Druv : Go
Sana : yeah I am going. You don't dare to go inside ok.
Druv : ok. (Smiles)

With this she walks away. Why is she so stubborn but somewhere i am liking it more. Lets go inside. As she said don't dare. I have guts and if someone says no to me for anything then I have to do that by hook or by crook. He knocked on the door.

Jiya : who's there?
Druv : its Druv.
Jiya : sorry boys are not allowed. Go away Druv.
Druv : bhabhi come on please let me in. I am here to meet you.
Jiya : no it's only girls room and i'll meet you when i meet everyone.
Druv : it's not fare. Ok fine I thought that I will show you ishaan picture that how is he looking but anyways.
Jiya : yeah I know you you are her to take my picture as well don't worry i have a friend who loves me alot.
Druv : I dont understand.
Jiya : you will.

Druv starts to think what does Jiya means. Then it clicks him that Sana was rushing somewhere that means she went to meet ishaan and take his picture ok!! No no sweetheart you can't do this if i am not able to see bhabhi and I cent complete my work then you are also not able to do that. Druv went to ishaan room.

Sana Pov..
After arguing with Druv I straight went to ishaan's room I warm him already but he is not listening me so just leave him their alone I know Jiya is not gonna take him inside the room so i came to click picture of ishaan. I knocked on his door. He simply gave permission to me for going inside. It was so simple for me.

Sana : oh my god you are looking so handsome Mr Ishaan.
Ishaan : I know. How's Jiya looking.
Sana : sorry you have to wait to see her.
Ishaan : fine.
Sana : you don't want to pressure me for her pic?
Ishaan : i know you are her best friend even i am gonna put pressure on you. You are not gonna listen to me and after that you will complain to Jiya about this then she will give punishment as stop talking to me.
Sana : wow you know us so well. Impressive jiju.
Ishaan : jiju?
Sana : yeah soon to be jiju 😉😉
Ishaan : hmm
Sana : lets have a picture together come.

Ishaan agrees and they clicked picture together. Sana was about to leave after clicking pictures but Druv came right on time and stop her.

Druv : where do you think you are going?
Ishaan : what happened?
Druv : she is here to take your pictures and show that to Jiya bhabhi.
Ishaan : so?
Druv : so ? Bhabhi don't let me into her room and clicking pictures of her is far for me and she. She (points at her) came in and even clicks pictures with you and now she is gonna show these pictures to bhabhi.
Ishaan : so its ok sana you can show her.
Sana : thanks jiju so sweet of you. 😍😍(😝😝 teasing druv) and walks out from the room.
Druv : wait why??
Ishaan : its ok if Jiya is happy with this so i am happy to.
Druv : but its not fare.
Ishaan : everything is fare in love and war. And for now its true love.
Druv : love is dangerous.
Ishaan : when you fell for someone then you will also love to lose from her.
Druv : I already found someone.
Ishaan : what really? Who? Tell me.
Druv : Sana.
Ishaan : what??? No!
Druv : yes!

After hearing Sana's name from Druv. Ishaan clearly said no. Because Sana is not like other girls which was with Druv in past and Sana is like a younger sister for ishaan and as he knows that Druv is not a good choice for her.

Now what is gonna happens next. Lets find out in next chapter.

Thank you for reading till here and giving your precious time to this book. I hope you guys like it. Do share your thoughts and comment it.

Love you guys...

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