Chapter Two

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"Shit, did you train how to punch even harder or something?" Shane said as he held his jaw and rubbed it. He saw that she was about to hit him again and quickly grabbed her wrist. "You do know that they call this Spouse abuse, a wife hitting her husband."

Chelsea yanks her wrist away from him. "Don't touch me. What are you doing here?" she says with a glare as she moves away from him.

"Am I not allowed to be here?" he asked her. "I am only here to get something; I didn't know you were here."

Chelsea crossed her arms. "Where is your twin sister? She is supposed to be here so we can celebrate finishing our first year of college."

Shane rolled his eyes. "Not shocking. You two are having a girl's night."

"And what are you doing here? Why did you even come back?" Chelsea asked in a harsh tone. "You told your sister you weren't returning, but here you are?"

Shane grabbed a book off one of the shelves. "Got a phone call from Mom, so I had to come home."

Chelsea went to respond when a door opened and closed. "Hello, I am here!" A voice shouted, making Shane roll his eyes, and Chelsea smiled at the voice.

"I will be leaving now. It's bad enough that she drives to my school every weekend," Shane said as he moved past Chelsea.

Selena looked at her brother with a glare. "You shouldn't be here, what happened?" Selena asked, pointing to the blood coming from a cut that was on his lip. "I am assuming that she punched you, didn't she?"

"She is stronger, but keep an eye on her. I don't know what will happen next, especially with the prophecy around the corner. If she gets worse, we are ending it. I don't care what everyone thinks." Shane said before walking past Selena.

"Yes, Mr.Bossy."She mumbled to herself. "Chelsea!"Selena shouted as she looked for her.

"Down here! I got all the snacks." Chelsea asked.

"Oh my god, did Cody seriously do that?!" Selena asked, laughing as she took a bite of the pizza. "I don't believe that for a moment. Cody is too innocent to do that."

"But he did. He had a bad night because he had been helping Jules plan his wedding, and most of the time, Riley is on the video call, so you know that isn't good," Chelsea explains as she looks back at the TV.

"I heard about it. I am assuming Riley is trying to make up with Cody but isn't able to because Cody refuses to even speak with him." Selena's question.

Chelsea nods. "Don't be surprised if he is in a bad mood here. I stayed with Cody in his dorm room because, you know, his parents moved back to England. He was on the phone with Jules and Jake when Riley joined. Riley was straight-up annoying Cody. Cody told Jules that he had to go before hanging up on them. Cody was annoyed for about a good couple of hours."

Selena shakes her head. "Poor baby, dealing with someone who broke your heart isn't good for anyone."

Chelsea goes quiet before agreeing with her. "Yeah, but still, I get where he is coming from. Riley hurt him badly and embarrassed him. I hope they will fix their relationship  when we go to the wedding, and I know Riley has feelings for him."

Selena smirked. "I am going to enjoy this. I plan on making it hard for Riley only because I am a bitch." Selena said before looking at the TV. "We have to be up early to help with Mom and Aunt Jennifer. How did we both get forced to help again?"

Chelsea laughed before turning off the TV. "Because they are our mom, and we are here to be their slaves," she said jokingly. Come on, let's get some sleep."

Selena giggled. "We are sounding like we are old ladies now," Selena said before being hit with a pillow. "Hey, don't hit me. I was just saying that because we just finished our first year of college, and as soon as we got to see each other, we had to go to bed early. What's up? Woe is me." She said, placing her hand on her forehead and making Chelsea shake her head at Selena, being a dramatic self.

"Oh, shut up. You knew this for weeks: We needed to help our moms with the festival. Mom told me it's because they are redecorating the manor now, so they need more help setting it up. Besides, we will be able to relax afterward." Chelsea informs her. We might have to work at a booth for a few hours."

"Knowing my mom, I will be working the ticket booth with you know who," Selena said before laughing as Chelsea shook her head, which made Selena laugh even harder.

After a while, Selena had fallen asleep, leaving Chelsea awake to her thoughts. Chelsea looked over at Selena sleeping and shook her head. Chelsea walked up the stairs and out of the chambers to sit in the fresh air of the woods. The woods were the one place she had felt safe since last summer. She breathed in the summer air and smiled softly to herself.

"You know you shouldn't be out here late at night," a voice said. I heard some witches would sacrifice a pretty young girl like yourself."

Chelsea rolled her eyes before looking over to where the person was. "No, we like to sacrifice pretty fake blonde boys, especially British boys; they taste so yummy," she joked. "What are you doing out here, Cody?" she asked as she made room, letting Cody sit beside her.

Cody shrugs. "Needed to escape, I suppose. Can't sleep mostly, figured you would still be up." Cody responded as he looked up toward the sky. "I heard that your husband is back in town." He jokes before being shoved to the ground. "Ouch! Damn, maybe you should stop training with Andrew. My innocent damesal is gone because of him."

Chelsea glared at him but decided he was right; she had significantly changed in the past year. "You are right. I have changed, and Shane being here isn't stopping the process I am making. I am not stupid. He is here to stop me; he doesn't want the other parts of the prophecy to happen, but it doesn't matter. You and I both know that can't be changed. Come on, we both should get some sleep. There is another bed in the chambers; I won't be surprised if Grandmere has it built into a house." She jokes before standing up.

"Don't give her any ideas. She will have it built and erase people's memories again," Cody jokes as the two head down into the chamber to get some sleep.

Springwood Grove:Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now