Chapter Five

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It's been a week since that night when the Holdson and Michaels families, Chelsea and Shane, don't speak to each other. Chelsea hangs out with Selena and Chelsea's older sister, Vanessa. Everyone could feel the tension between Shane and Chelsea, but they said nothing about it.

"So, what's going on between you and Shane? You two look even better in a nicer way of saying tensely whenever you are around each other. It's been about a week since you punched him, which is hilarious, but still, you guys have been even more awkward than before." Selena questions Chelsea as they prepare to go out for the night.

Chelsea shrugged. "It's nothing. Not anything that matters to me. Your brother dug his grave.Don't try to protect him, at least not from me," Chelsea pointed out to Selena as she put on her lipstick.

"He became your husband, remember"? Selena said before a pillow flew at her. "Hey, watch where you are trying that! You almost ruined my makeup."

Chelsea rolled her eyes. "We are going to the watering hole. There is a high possibility that you will get wet. There is no reason to put so much on your face."

Selena groans. "I forgot we are going to be around the boys, and Now I need to change my clothes or bring extra. Wait, are you and Shane going to be awkward?"

"I doubt we will even talk, and it's just a normal college and high school kids' party. We will play dumb games, which will end up with me dragging you to the chambers instead of coming home to sleep. I might as well live there forever." Chelsea jokes.

Selena rolled her eyes. "We need to get going soon."

An hour later, both girls showed up at the party, and Chelsea was itching to return to the chamber or at least away from this party. Instead, she moved away from the party over to the cliff, where it was quiet. She watched as everyone was drinking and dancing. She looked up toward the sky, watching the stars.

"We found her! I told you all we would find her here." a voice shouted from behind.

When Chelsea turned, she found her best friend Selena carrying a picnic basket. She was followed by Fred, Cody, Nate, Natialia, and Shane behind Selena. "Oo, did you go to Louise's dinner?" she asked, ignoring that Shane was there. She saw Selena take one side of her, and Fred sat on the other.

"Yes, I did, and I got your favorite food. You are one of the weirdest eaters I know." Selena pointed out. "Now, question time: what is up with the two of you?" She asked, pointing between Fred and Chelsea

"I asked her out, and she told me no as to why. She refused to tell me why," Fred admitted, getting a glare from Shane, but Fred didn't notice.

"He cried to me about her saying no to him, but he didn't give up, that's for sure. I credit him for trying, but our wonderful blondie here was not given into our boy Anderson's charms." Cody smirked before being smacked upside the head hard by Shane, who glared at his best friend.

"I have a question," Fred said. "You all grew up with each other, right?"

"Yes, our families go back generations since the beginning of the town, maybe even before then; there is a lot of history between the families, but we all have been friends since we were kids, well, except Cody, who moved here during the first year of middle school" Selena answered wondering why he was asking the question. "Why do you ask?"

"Are you curious about the guy who broke Chelsea's heart?" Fred asked. Everyone around him knew the answer, but they didn't know how to tell Fred the person was right in front of Chelsea.

Chelsea chokes on her drink and looks at Fred. "I haven't had my heart broken, Fred, and if that were the case, I wouldn't date you because I feel like you are an important friend in my life, plus Selena called dibs last summer."

Selena gasped overdramatically. "My best friend, how could you betray me like that?!"

She looked over at Cody. "My poor Cody, he didn't even know."

Cody rolled his eyes. "Lena darling, I saw it from a mile away. I can't blame you; have you seen this man?"

Chelsea was glad the conference about who broke her heart was over because she needed a reason not to look at Shane. "It's getting late, and I have stuff to do tomorrow. Lena, are you coming with me or heading home for the night."

"I think I will sleep in my bed tonight, Freddie. Why don't you want my dear friend to her car?"

"I will do it," Shane said. It was almost eerie how quiet he had been while they were talking.

"You and Cody can catch a ride back to your dorm room. Selena can take my car. I expect it back in perfect condition when I get it back," Shane said before grabbing Chelsea's hand and pulling her toward her car. "I am assuming we are going to the Chambers?" he asked Chelsea.

"I am going to the chambers," Chelsea said before pulling her hand away from Shane's. "You are going home, away from me." She continued to walk toward her car.

Shane spun her around to face him. "Not this time. We had this argument last time, and I let you walk away because I truly thought you had nothing to say to me, but tonight, I said differently. I am tired of you not being honest. Talk to me."

Chelsea looked at him in pure shock before feeling anger hit her. "You're angry? Oh god, this is funny because you are angry at me for not talking to someone who made sure that the prophecy came true by using me and breaking my heart, which is hilarious. After all, you shouldn't even be angry at me." Chelsea said, laughing. "Shane, I am over it, and I want." She was cut off by something touching her lips. Chelsea's eyes widened. Shane had kissed her. What the fuck?

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