Chapter 8: Training Pt:2

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"Talking" - normal
'Thoughts'- italics or ( thoughts in middle of talking ) - italics
'Jutsu' - italics  ex) -> ' random jutsu'
"Kyuubi in head / inner Sakura" - italicized and bolded
"Kyuubi in control or Nine tails cloak" - only bolded
*vfx's? Noises? Actions? Idk what to call it* - italicized

[3rd pov]

Watching the dust settle from behind a tree, Asuma was thinking to himself, 'Wow...I could wipe the floor with this kid, but he could probably give some chunin a run for their money, and not because he's super strong or knows some almighty jutsu, but because he uses his jutsu with motive or a plan, if something fails, it just leads into another plan. Hell, he even knew he wasn't gonna land a hit up close so he used a fucking explosive tag to gain some distance and possibly land an attack as well.'

Stepping out into the clearing again, Asuma declared the spare over.


As the two meet in the middle of the field Asuma began to explain his plan for Y/n's training, "So, well obviously work on some taijutsu and work on using kunai more efficiently in hand to hand combat. Well work on finding more uses for your clones in combat and outside of direct combat, you could use them to set up ambushes traps etc...... . You can work on seals in your own time or on Wednesdays with my supervision if you'd like, and we'll also test your chakra nature and start teaching you some jutsu as well as some backup natures in case your nature is weak against your opponents."

Y/n's eyes widen, "Wow..... That sounds like a lot. How am I supposed to work on all of that, while doing missions and training with the rest of the team? It's sounds like too much work, y'know?"

"Kid, think about your shadow clones, I know you're smart enough to know why the jutsu was invented."

"Well, I know the second Hokage made them originally as a scouting jutsu since they take up so much chakra, but can act independently and retain their memories. Then those memories get sent back to the user, so they can learn about....... *talking speeds up* about enemy movements or locations without physically going there. And I can use them for training right!!!"

"Exactly, we won't use to many starting out, because I don't want your brain to like explode or something from the amount of memories, so we'll start with a small amount and work our way up from there. That sound like a good training plan to you?"

Y/n's face lights up in excitement, " Yeah, it sounds like and amazing plan, perfect even, believe it!!" Y/n's hands move to the shape of a cross as his eyes wander in thought, "How many clones should I start with? 5? Maybe?"

Asuma's eyes connected with his young student's eyes and he answered his question, "Yeah, start with 5. 5 will be enough to boost your training speed, while not overwhelming you."


Asuma lit a cigarette and pushed it into his mouth, and took a tiny slip of paper out from one of his vest pockets, "Alright before we begin, Y/n push some chakra into this paper."

"Okay" x5

All 5 versions of Y/n reach for the paper, "*sigh* Just one of you, please"

After the original Y/n grabs the paper and shoves it in between his hands. Y/n's face scrunches up and he gains a look of confusion in his eyes. "Um.... The paper got wet-" his hand fall open to reveal the now soaked piece of paper "-I'm assuming that means my chakra nature is water?"

Asumas face falls a bit, "Yeah... I was hoping it'd be wind, or fire because wind is my chakra nature but I also use fire ninjutsu. But that's alright, we'll start training you up on the water style, and then add two other elements to cover your elements weakness, and give you an advantage if you find yourself at a standstill with someone else's nature."

"Two other elements!?" Y/n's voice rises, "Don't most Jonin only master 2 and you want me as a genin to start working on 3?!"

"Don't worry kid, with your clones, you'll be able to keep up, and with the amount of chakra you have you'll be able to train ninjutsu a lot more in one sitting than anyone else. Anyways, Chakra Freaks listen up, I want one of you guys to read about it chakra theory and try out any jutsu, seals included, that is helpful both combat and non combat oriented, another to work on holding a leaf with both hands, only using your finger tips and trying to get it soaked with water chakra, the 3rd one to work on tree walking-"

All 5 and the original gain a confused look, "Tree walking?"

"Yeah, to work on your chakra control, walk up a tall tree using chakra to have your feet stick, it's like the leaf forehead exercises you did at the academy, also a running start might help. And if you need more tips, go ask Choji, Shikamaru, or Ino." Y/n's head tilts, "Why them?"

"Knowing them and their clans, they teach their kids early, so they already know how to walk on trees. Back to what I was saying, the 4th to work on fuinjutsu, and the last clone to work on shuriken and kunai throwing, maybe even find out better ways to use the 'shadow shuriken jutsu'. And the original will spar with me, I'll also make a shadow clone of myself to float around the other 5 clones mainly the fuinjutsu and learning new jutsu areas."

After all 5 clones had split off throughout the clearing, they each begun their own training.


Meanwhile, in the trees, there was a shadow watching. A man with a porcelain mask, and a large black trench coat.


After an hour of training, the original mentor and student were taking a break while the clone of Asuma was watching Y/n's clones train.


"Dammit!!!! Running up this tree is useless,y'know!! I'm not learning anything, I'm barely making any progress!"

The other clones and the original snickerd at this clones despair, while Asumas clone came up to help, "Hey, just keep working at it, the progress your making shows that your picking up how to manage the chakra in your feet pretty good, plus the foot is the hardest place to control chakra correctly, so I think your doing great kid."

A voice coming from another clone asked a question, "Hey, Asuma-sensei? I think I got one jutsu I wanna try now, and I also wanted to ask a question about it, it's the 'body flicker jutsu'."

I know it's short, but I had trouble writing this chapter, and kinda got stuck, but I just decided to post it anyway. The next chapter will be longer, and have some shady stuff going on. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed, and again like always without further ado-

Any comments, questions, or concerns?

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