Chapter 7: Training Pt:1

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"Talking" - normal
'Thoughts'- italics or ( thoughts in middle of talking ) - italics
'Jutsu' - italics ex) -> ' random jutsu'
"Kyuubi in head / inner Sakura" - italicized and bolded
"Kyuubi in control or Nine tails cloak" - only bolded
*vfx's? Noises? Actions? Idk what to call it* - italicized

[3rd pov] - Y/n's Apartment

After enjoying a meal with his team at Yakiniku Q, at Asumas expense, Y/n had headed home alone. As he lived on the opposite side of his teammates and new sensei. As he returned home, he found Naruto brooding pacing up and down their living room floor.

It seems that Naruto's sensei never showed up until 2 hours after every other team left the academy.

"From what you've told me, he has his problems, but maybe he's a really good teacher, Naruto. Who knows, maybe you'll learn a lot from him, y'know. Anyways, come eat the food I made you."

Naruto's mood instantly improved as a homemade version of the food of the gods was now on the table, "Your the best, y'know!!"

Y/n's lips curved up into a smile at the compliment, "I'm not the best, I just gotta make sure you're taken care of y'know."

Naruto ignores his brother voice but then stops his food from entering his mouth, " Hey? Why is there only one bowl?"

Y/n stops and turns to face him, "Oh, I already ate, and  we don't have enough money to buy more groceries to make more food. We get our weekly allowance from the Lord Hokage tomorrow though, so we'll be fine." To change the mood to a lighter one, Y/n changed subjects, " Anways, after you finish eating make sure to get your rest, especially since your Jonin sensei said you can't have breakfast"

Naruto, almost instantly forgetting about their financial problems, gained an irritated look on his face, "If he's late, I swear, I'll kick his ass, believe it!!"


Naruto's assumption was right and that Saturday night, poor Y/n had to deal with the consequences of the now named Kakashi Sensei's actions from earlier that morning. The rest of the weekend however went fine. Y/n simply spent his time reading and learning more about Fuinjutsu, training, and forcing Naruto to help him clean the apartment and complete other chores around the house Sunday morning.

And as the sun rose Monday morning, Y/n completed his morning routine and got ready for his first day training and maybe even starting his first mission. He said goodbye to Naruto, who was getting ready for his first day of training too. Y/n being as mature as he is, arrived about 20 - 30 minutes early, and when he arrived he saw Asuma already there up bright and early, smoking a cigarette at around 9:40 in the morning.

'I guess Asuma-sensei was right, I guess he really does love smoking cigarettes....'

"Hey, Chakra freak! You know you're here a little early, right?"

Y/n tilted his head, "Chakra Freak?"

" Yeah!" A laugh begins to spill out of Asumas lungs, "The amount of times you used the shadow clone jutsu on yourself and on your shuriken, no Genin should have that much chakra! *smaller laugh and a sigh* Your a chakra freak plain and simple!"

Asuma stomps out the cigarette below his foot, " Don't worry though, it'll be good for this team, on top of you specializing in something of your choice. I think you'll pick up on ninjutsu pretty easily, and end up specializing in that too."

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