Chapter Two

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Author's Note: 

 I know I said I wasn't updating again until Friday, but I couldn't help it. I love this story too much, ugh. Thanks for everyone that followed, favorited, and reviewed. You are much appreciated. I was sort of overwhelmed by how many follows this has already. It makes me super excited to keep writing! For anyone who wanted to know, this story begins about a month or so before the actually events of the movie. Any other questions, feel free to send me a PM. Other than that follow, favorite, review! 







My jaw refused to stay shut during the entire tour of the massive park, eyes frozen wide in awe. Claire chattered away the entire time, and I wondered how the hell she had room in her head for all the things she knew about the park. We breezed through the walkways, and she assured me I'd have plenty of time to explore and visit the attractions on my days off. It was like being a kid again, although I'd been told by about a thousand people that I already was a kid trapped in a twenty-five year old's body. Living, breathing dinosaurs. I made sure at some point to say an appropriate prayer to the science gods for allowing the park to exist. 

"And finally, this is where you'll be working."

We had made it to the park's midway, where shops and restaurant flourished on either side of the walkway. "Damn, this place is brand-name central. What the hell is a Pandora's doing here?" I asked.

"We cater to everything." Claire shrugged, like this was answer enough.

"Freaking ridiculous." I muttered.

We made our way towards the Margaritaville restaurant, Jimmy Buffet blaring from the speakers. It was mildly crowded for the early evening lull, most of the tables empty and only about half of the bar full. The park would be closing for the night in just a few short, hours. Claire walked towards the bar where a man in a Hawaiian shirt with a peppered beard stood behind the counter. 

"Hi Denny! This is my friend, Rylan." She greeted him.

"You mean my new recruit?" He asked in a booming voice. He gave me a big smile and held out his hand. I liked him already.

"Straight from the main land! Nice to meet you!" I grasped his hand in mine. 

"Happy to have you, Rylan. Nice to finally put a face to the name." He let go of my hand and went back to wiping down the bar. "You getting settled in?"

I shrugged. "Sorta. Claire's just giving me a quick tour now."

"I told her she'll have plenty of time for exploring when she's not working for you." Claire jumped in and Denny chuckled.

"I'll try not to work you too hard then. I want to make sure you have time to settle in, but how soon can you start?" He asked.

"Tomorrow." I said quickly. Both he and Claire looked at me with surprise. "I wanna get used to this place as soon as I can and the sooner I start working, the sooner it'll feel like home."

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