Chapter Sixteen

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When I woke up the next morning, I was hit with that fleeting confusion that sometimes happens when you fall asleep in a new place. My eyes fluttered open and Owen's bedroom came into view. The place next to me where Owen had been the night before was empty, just a blank space of navy blue sheets. I suddenly remembered a sleep goodbye a few hours earlier, his lips brushing my forehead before pressing lightly against my lips, telling me to stay as long as I needed. I rolled onto stomach and buried my face into the pillow to hide the embarrassingly giddy grin on my face, even though I was alone. The pillow smelled like him. My heart fluttered in my chest as I replayed the events from the night before in my head...It felt surreal, like an incredibly vivid, sexy dream except it was real and the fact that I was still lying in his bed grinning like an idiot was extremely unlike me.

I rolled over, sitting up and wrapping the blanket tighter around me. The house was silent, the alarm clock on the nightstand reading only nine o'clock. Most of my clothes had made it into a messy pile in the middle of the room, although I had to hunt around for my bra before finally finding it hidden underneath the covers at the foot of the bed. I gathered them into my arms before heading into the bathroom, hoping Owen wouldn't mind me using his shower. His toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste sat on the counter, like he had just left them there moments before, a wet wash cloth hanging over the faucet. I turned on the shower, letting it warm up before stepping under the stream of hot water. Unlike my own shower, which was stockpiled with about five hundred different types of soaps, body washes, shampoos, and conditioners, Owen had one bottle of shampoo and one bottle of body wash. As soon as I opened the body wash, I was immediately hit with the familiar scent I associated with him...something woodsy with a hint of peppermint.

I made the shower a quick one, so I could stop at home and get some clean clothes before work. Once I was dried off and dressed in my clothes from the day before, which still reeked of french fry oil and tequila from work, I meandered into the kitchen. My purse and cell phone sat on the counter where I had left them the night before. I felt my cheeks go hot, finding it completely unavoidable to be standing there and not think about the way he had been kissing me in that same spot the night before. I reached for my phone to check my messages, and wasn't surprised to see when from Claire.

C: 'How was your night? No details needed.'

I smirked, rolling my eyes a little before shoving my phone back into the side pocket of my purse. I grabbed it off the counter and went on a search for my shoes, before finding them in the bedroom near the door. I slipped them on and was on my way out, when the sight of a worn, brown leather wallet on the nightstand caught my eye. I hovered in the doorway, debating whether or not to leave it. I had no idea whether or not Owen intentionally left his wallet at home, or if it had been accidentally. Mostly I was trying not to admit I was just looking for a reason to see him sooner rather than later. I finally let out a sigh of defeat, crossing the room and throwing the wallet into my bag. If he'd ended up forgetting it on purpose, I'd feel bad later knowing I'd just left it.

Outside, the air was already thick with humidity which did nothing for my still damp hair. Before it had a chance to curl into wild waves, I pulled it back into a ponytail, using the elastic on my wrist. I walked down the dirt road, once I was home quickly changing into a clean pair of denim shorts and a dark blue Maragritaville t-shirt. Even better, I did a really good job of not thinking about Owen once until I was on the monorail. His wallet was still in my purse, a small voice in the back of my head question whether or not it was weird to show up while he was working to give it to him. Mostly wondering if it would make me seem overeager. I quickly dismissed the thought, though. I had never been one of those girls, who overanalyzed every little detail when it came to a guy. At least not until Owen came into the picture. I didn't want to be one of those girls, therefore I would drop off his wallet before work. No big deal.

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