Chapter Ten

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I walked down the midway, sunglasses perched on top of my head and a cup of coffee in one hand, an iced chai tea in the other. Violet's favorite. I was feeling guilty I'd been neglecting both her and Claire. I hadn't really been too specific on who was taking up all my extra time, but the huge grin on Violet's face when she saw me was answer enough.

"Well, well, well look who it is!" She greeted me.

I smiled sheepishly and handed her the tea. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm a bad friend."

She grinned back and took a sip from the clear cup. "It's a start. Chai tea is the way to my heart after all...But I can't really forgive you fully until you confirm that the reason you've been M.I.A. is because of a certain Owen Grady?"

I rolled my eyes, and she laughed before setting the cup down and going back to checking off a list secured to the clipboard in her hand. "It's not like that...we're just friends." I insisted, sounding unconvincing even to myself

Violet gave me a look, raising a dark eyebrow. "I haven't seen him spend this much time with anyone, unless you count those giant, sharp-toothed lizards of his."

"I dunno." I shrugged, trying to brush it off like it was no big deal when really my pulse trilled in response to what Violet had admitted. "Maybe he just feels sad for me because I lived such a sheltered life before coming here."

She smirked, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. "Keep telling yourself that."

I leaned against the railing of Mo's pool, watching as one of her giant fins emerged from the water only to splash right back down and send a huge surge of water into the air. "I'm ignoring that last part and going to work now." I looked over my shoulder and gave her a sarcastic glare.

"Fine, live a life of denial. You better make some time for me soon, though." She warned, pointing her pen at me.

I held my hand over my heart. "Scout's honor. I'll text you later."

She waved, pen still in hand, before her eyes averted back to her clipboard and she disappeared behind an 'employees only' door. I left the stadium, taking careful sips of my hot coffee as I weaved my way through the crowd of guests on my way to work. I heard a muffle beeping sound coming from my back pocket and pulled out my phone. I was almost ashamed at the huge smile that tugged at my lips when Owen's name lit up the screen.

O: 'What time are u off tonite?'

I didn't think it was possible but my smile grew. I could sense another adventure happening in the near future.

R: 'Early shift today. Should be done around 3?'

I walked into work to find the restaurant already buzzing with an early lunch rush. I slid behind the bar, punching in my clock-in number on the computer. I drained the last of my coffee and tossed the empty cup into the trash.

"Just in time, I need three strawberry daiquiris." Emma called to me as she appeared out of the kitchen with a plate in each hand. "Your favorite! I know how much you love using the blender!" She grinned at me over her shoulder. This had been a running joke with everyone I worked with after I misplaced the blender lid one night and tried to cover it with a plate. It hadn't worked and I'd smelled like banana daiquiri for the rest of my five hour shift.

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