The Rising: Part 2: Junko and Tsumugi's Plan

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At the burger joint, Team Advanced were sitting at a table enjoying their hamburgers.

Silver: You know, it really was a great idea to come here! I didn't realize how hungry I was!

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Silver: You know, it really was a great idea to come here! I didn't realize how hungry I was!

Kat: It was a great idea! [She took another big bite outta her hamburger] Mmm! These hamburgers are so good!

Chihiro: We did need some fresh air! Coming here was a great idea!

Ruv: [He took a small bite outta his hamburger] Hamburgers may not be my favorite, but this restaurant really knows how to make them to anyone's liking!

Pico: Best of all, we're all here like the good friends we are!

Kat: I hope that Tsumugi girl comes over more often! I wanna eat free hamburgers every day!

Pico: Well, I hope she doesn't! She may give out free hamburgers, but she wasn't very nice, if ya ask me!

Kat: Maybe she was just in a hurry to give away the coupons!

Pico: Heh... If you say so...

Silver: You always try to find the good in everyone, don't you, Kat?

Kat: Hmm... Yep! I think that's an accurate explanation of my character!

Chihiro: besides Kat, are you sure you'd be down for eating hamburgers every day? That's not very good for you.

Kat: Hmm... I think it'd be worth it! [We then cut to Tsumugi. She was taking a walk while contemplating on what to do next]

Tsumugi: [Looking at a strange book] Hmm... Alright... I got a handprint offering... Now I just need enough energy, some fire, and Chaos Emerald energy... Where am I gonna get all of that...? [She stopped walking when she saw a certain strawberry-blonde haired woman] Huh.... Oh! No way! Is that...?

Junko: [Walking with Mukuro while trying to fix her makeup] Ugh! Thanks to Pricko, my makeup is no longer behaving!

Mukuro: And your hair is all sorts of messed up, too.

Junko: Ugh! I don't need you rubbing it in, Pukekuro! Ugh! How do you deal with it?

Mukuro: Deal with what?

Junko: Being ugly! How do you deal with being ugly all the time!

Mukuro: Umm... I don't feel like answering that...

Tsumugi: [She stuffed the book into a bag she was carrying and ran over to Junko] Oh my god!

Junko: WHAT THE FU-!!!

Tsumugi: Y-You're Junko Enoshima! You're the Ultimate Despair!

Junko: ...I most certainly am...

Tsumugi: [She grabbed Junko's hands] Let me just say that I'm a huge fan!

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Tsumugi: [She grabbed Junko's hands] Let me just say that I'm a huge fan!

Junko: W-What...? A huge fan of moi? You're joking!

Tsumugi: Oh, but I'm not! I idolize you! I built Monokumas based off the instructions you posted on your blog barely anyone knows about! I've read all of your autobiographies! I make every meal I eat based on the recipes in your official cookbook! [She blushed] I even made a cosplay based off you!

Junko: [A bit concerned] Umm... Okay...

Tsumugi: I know everything about you! Your full name! What you eat! What you sing in the shower! The soap, shampoo, and conditioner you use! What your dental records are like!

Mukuro: Eww... Stalker...

Tsumugi: There's plenty more, but I don't wanna bother you more than I need to! It really is an honor to meet you, Junko Enoshima! [She was unaware that she ended up dropping the book, which Junko noticed]

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Tsumugi: There's plenty more, but I don't wanna bother you more than I need to! It really is an honor to meet you, Junko Enoshima! [She was unaware that she ended up dropping the book, which Junko noticed]

Mukuro: [Trying to get outta there as fast as possible] Okay! We're done talking to you! Let's go, Junko! [As Mukuro was about to leave, Junko stopped her] Huh?

Junko: Why is this weird book on the floor? [She picked up the book and started reading it]

Tsumugi: Oh! That's just a book on history I found at the library! It's a very good read! You can borrow it, if you want!

Junko: [She flipped to a page about Mephiles] No fuckin' way!

Tsumugi: What's wrong?

Junko: Mephiles the Dark is in this book! [She showed Tsumugi the page about Mephiles]

Tsumugi: Oh yeah! I wanted to learn more about him ever since Pico defeated him!

Junko: Sounds too nerdy for my liking...

Tsumugi: Maybe I would even like to revive him...

Junko: Revive... Mephiles...?!

Tsumugi: Yes! I want this world to be mine!

Junko: Hah! Sorry, Four Eyes, but this world is already gonna be mine!

Tsumugi: Well, why don't we work together?

Junko: Work together?

Tsumugi: Yes! We could work together to revive Mephiles, and once we kill off Team Advanced, we could both take over the world!

Junko: Hmm... Sounds tempting...

Mukuro: Um... Junko... I suggest trying to weigh the pros and cons about this... We barely even know this girl, after all... What if she's lying...?

Junko: Shut up, Mukuro! I know what I'm doing! Tsumugi! We're in!

Mukuro: [Sigh] Nevermind...

Tsumugi: Wonderful! The world will be ours in no time!

Junko: It sure will! PUHUHUHUHU!!!!

Mukuro: I feel like this is gonna come back to bite us in the ass...

Junko: Shut up, Mukuro! Let me do what I want!

Tsumugi: Anyway, do you have any plans on how to get more energy to summon Mephiles, Junko?

Junko: Hmm... Well, Kat's a demon, and demons have a lot of energy... Why don't we use her?

Tsumugi: Kat... That must be the girl I saw earlier when I was getting that hand sacrifice! I didn't know she was a demon! That's amazing! With her, we'll have more than enough energy to revive Mephiles! But there's one question... How are we gonna get her energy...?

Junko: [She smiled] I think I have an idea...

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